Nonskimmer said:
Geeeez, sorry guys! I only wanted a cigarette, not to spark off a debate!
Just for the fun of it I am going to make a well thought out guess of what your brand is.
1. You are in The Canadian Navy hense Canadian Forces meaning low pay
2. But you work on a Submarine so might get some sort of Hazourd pay.
, but then again there is always the risk of getting killed in an accident (such as leaving the hatch open while submerging)
3. Yet again you are Canadian citizen meaning you are is way overtaxed.
4. But then again you could always buy your smokes at the Native Reserve.
5. Then again you are a Poor oppressed Maritimer with provincial debts up the wazoo
With all that in mind I am guessing you smoke discount brands such as
Number 7,Peter Jackson, Canadian Classics,Macdonalds or that horrible Eastern crap 'Putters'
Just kidding about all that, but actually I am kinda curious.