A few more photos, now it is heading towards the end.
Hopefully the next update will be to show the completed model:
Well, the wash was done using black Tamiya Panel Accent in the panel lines and brown to simulate dirt.
After wash was completed, I did apply an coat of a mix of Vallejo clear using 1:1 Gloss : Matt thinned with demineralized water and applied using the airbrush.
After waiting for this coat to dry (which is very quick) i have applied pastel chalks to simulate motor stains and machine guns, brown was used to overal dirt.
I've drybrushed aluminium at the wing roots where the crew and pilots use to climb on the plane.
After all of this, I did apply a final coat of Vallejo clear using the same previous mix ratio to seal off the pastel effects.
I also created a weathering effect on the panel edges using a silve pencil.
Tha's all for now!
Wait for the next update with the completed model.