Sorry for the delay guys...been caught up a bit. Ivett is my computer expert, so I'll try and post the pics when she gets home.
Re the revised instructions, in Brian Rose' words:
'The painting guides were no trouble. They originally had incorrect instructions, so I have updated their information.
Kit manufacturer's omit the underwing serials, perhaps because I am the only person with a photo showing these - I TOOK IT.'
I agree kiwi kit manufacturer's don't operate to the budget of the big model companies, and do a damn fine job considering.
The beautiful Falcon vacform canopies and accessories were originally produced in owner Tore Martin's garage (also sold with Ventura/ now 'Jay's Model's' kits, and under the 'Squadron Crystal clear' brand name), and the Ventura Spitfire moulds are considered the most accurate in shape and scale. These are let down only in the thickness of the mouldings, and possibly the lack of internal detail, as you'll see soon in the pics.
When it comes to decals though, I don't see that it would cost more to print a sheet accurately as opposed to not. Many kit manufacturers (incl. Airfix and Italeri, among others) need to pay more attention in this area IMO, there's no excuse for it.
Jon, if you get no joy with the canopies, you can have one of mine. 2 are provided in the kit.
I'll try to write John Stone tonight about the decals, will let you know what the guts is.