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Mate, your work is fantastic! You even did an RNZAF Corsair !!

One small thing (and this is only mentioned for authenticity) is that only the fueslage roundel of RNZAF aircraft had the yellow outline. Smer do a model of the F4U-1A with yellow-circled wing roundels, and I've seen a profile in a book with the same thing, but it's inaccurate.
I am well enough to start afresh..

I'm going to go alphabetically now, so here's a couple of Austers:


  • Auster_V_659Sqn_Dev.jpg
    104.5 KB · Views: 311
  • Auster_V_Israel_Dev.jpg
    105 KB · Views: 297
Some new Lightnings:


  • F3_29Sqn_Dev.jpg
    110.9 KB · Views: 144
  • F3_56Sqn_Dev.jpg
    114.3 KB · Views: 145
  • F3_111Sqn_1_Dev.jpg
    112 KB · Views: 142
  • F3_111Sqn_2_Dev.jpg
    113.2 KB · Views: 140
  • F53_Kuwait_Dev.jpg
    109.7 KB · Views: 149
Oh, there is much to do and never enough time!

I have 13 x Hawker Hunters, 5 x Hawker Furys, 18 x Mustang F-51/P-51, 5 x P-47 Thunderbolts, and 35 Spitfires already drawn and waiting to be processed...

And yes, I am insane...

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