Surprise Surprise, Look What's on My Doorstep...

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I agree with Scooter.Cool BD gift Dan..Waiting for pics of its asembling process.

BTW An excellent siggy Scootie.
Nashorn in Action!
The most notable Nashorn ace was platoon commander of 1st company of sPzJagAbt 519, Junior Lieutenant Albert Ernst. He later commanded the 1st company of sPzJagAbt 512 (equipped with Jagdtigers). On December 23rd of 1943, he destroyed some 14 Soviet tanks in a single day using only 21 round of ammunition. The engagement took place near Vitebsk and Albert Ernst received a nickname "Tiger of Vitebsk". In December of 1943, Ernst destroyed total of 19 enemy tanks and on January 22nd of 1944, he was awarded the Knight's Cross.

It is reported that in early March of 1945, Lieutenant Beckmann from sPzJagAbt 88 destroyed a Soviet IS-2 at the range of 4600 meters near Marzdorf.
Some Nashorn crews reported that they were able to knock out Soviet T-34 tanks at distance as great as 4000 meters. Nashorn crews also reported numerous kills of KV and IS-2 tanks as well as SU-152, ISU-122 and ISU-152 assault guns.

Nashorn from 2nd Company of schwere Heeres Panzer Jaeger Abteilung 93 was also responsible for the destruction of the only M26 Pershing, destroyed in Europe. The Pershing was from the 3rd Armored Division and was knocked out at the distance of 250 meters with a single shot. This engagement took place in the town of Niehl, north of Cologne on March 6th of 1945.
Just the easy way of doing things my friend... They had problem to download it...use it as a siggy. I just downloaded it and saved it on photobucket. Sent Freebird a PM about it... Just for show and no go...
Just to show what you can get if you have the money and want to feel what it's like to jump into the DEEP end of the pool....

Royal Models from Italy,

This is set 319....

...and set 320...

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