Swine Flu

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Yeah Erich, they just closed a school in my local seattle neighborhood for 7 days ( with less than 24hrs notice to the parents) over a "suspected" swine flu case.

You are 3000 times more likely to die from the yearly flu virus cycle compared to swine flu and we are closing schools, events and publicly telling people not to participate in air commerce?? Are you kidding me? What the hell is going on anymore.
The CDC office in Richmond, Va. has reported two confirmed cases of
"swine flu" in Virginia. An adult female from the Roanoke area, and an
adult male from what we call the upper peninsula (Culpepper area).

Both persons recently returned from a trip to Mexico !!!! They are in stable
condition, and their situation is not life threatening.

Second suspected case in Minnesota was reported on earlier today. Latest is in an area I will be heading towards over the weekend. Not too concerned myself, seems the typical media hype. We were all supposed to keel over from the Bird Flu a couple years ago and all our computers were supposed to crash and burn back in 2000.
I look at it as when it's my time to check out there isn't too much I can do about it so why worry.
Second suspected case in Minnesota was reported on earlier today. Latest is in an area I will be heading towards over the weekend. Not too concerned myself, seems the typical media hype. We were all supposed to keel over from the Bird Flu a couple years ago and all our computers were supposed to crash and burn back in 2000.
I look at it as when it's my time to check out there isn't too much I can do about it so why worry.
your right on that I can't afford to lock myself in the house
Chris, Erich and Buck have hit the nail on the head. Because I work on the fringes of this cr@p I can tell you that "swine-flu" is nothing new except to the media that wants to use scare tactics. In the past 5 years we have had bio-hazard instruction for:

Bird Flu (H51N1) something similar, can't remember - so many strands
West Nile Virus
White Nose Disease

all conditions that are currently affecting the US and need to be handled with kid gloves because of the potential for fatalities. Even a certain strain of the Bird Flu was discovered in a local city - although the type that can effect humans has not hit the US.

Its all media hype as an outside source to enforce the Dems National Health care. And maybe the face mask manufactureres (theres job growth!) We face some far dangerous diseases than these. I can tell you rabies is rampant among bat, raccoon and stray cat colonies and not word one in the media.

Its all hype.
"Back in MY day, when we had a pandemic, people got sick and died..."

What happened? I thought this was the end of the world. One kid from Mexico died and that's it. In the last ten days, statistically, there have been roughly 800 deaths from the "regular" flu.


I want my money back!
As of today, Virginia has eleven confirmed cases of swine-flu. Seven of them
were from Washington Lee University, in Lexington, Va. None of then are
considered serious and all are recovering from what officials are calling
mild cases.


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