Swine Flu

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This is an OFF TOPIC area. It says so at the top! Your objection is respectfully dismissed.

DerAdler is a moderator on this board. Respectfully or not, dismissing his objection is unwise. No one says you have to like the current president, but your continued attacks on him is getting old and stale. Your zealous hate of anything to do with Obama is disturbing.
I'm going to make sure my .270 is ready in case it mutates into a zombie virus.
Time to practice headshots with iron sights!

dang I thought the mosquitos with the virus were going to kill us all the last two years and now the media has all got your panties in a bind with panic..............

c'mon guys wake the H up will ya and go get laid
Night of the Living Dead! I love that movie. Especially the two rednecks drinking and shooting at zombies.

Looked like fun.
My mates girfreind wouldnt fill her car up with fuel the other day....He told her it was Ok...it was a Texaco garage !

I'll get my coat.....


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