TA-152 H1 sratchbuilt in 1:32

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At first I used the old A-wing and sawed off the wheelwell. The upper wing partly came from the old Revell because of the better details of the cannon covers, Hasegawas looking more like kidneys.
Well when Goofy is around you'll ruin all.
I missmeasured and upper and lower wing didn't fit. There was a large discrepancy in the wingroots. The dehedral was different too. This was a very critical moment. Should I give up? Or drink one more beer and try again?

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Well I got two beers and counted my new tool Doras and found I had aquired 5. The effect when you don't book your buys. So I decided to use the wings of the new kit having inner detail I didn't have to make from scratch.
I have no picture from the wingconstruction. This is the finished wing.

down under:

A close up of the patchwork:
Needs lots of 2K-putty to close the gaps.

next came the airscoope: We call it playfully "German Lufthutz".

Things had to speed up. Now it was february 08 and in April it should be shown at the modellfair at Lübeck city.

Now with the filler in the right places and a coat of watersoluble primer the beast starts to look.
The small scoop above the supercharger intake is too large - once more.

The left side is ok.

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2-K putty heals all wounds as you can see. With most of the scribing done I had to paint the plane.

Well I'm not too worried about "late war colors" or as my father put it, he worked at Junkers in Dessau as an engineer, "Boy we had greater headdaches than putting the right color on the right aircraft!" He even told me they diluted tar with gasoline and merged it with whatever color they had and on it went on the 87s, 88s 188s.
Keep in mind in 1944 paint was produced in many tiny facilities dispersed around the countryside not getting the same ingredients.
Keep in mind fighterbombers and mediums lured around attacking trains and bridges by day and bright nights whenever there was an oppertunity. The "Flächenschutzliste" was not worth the paper it was wrote on in those chaotic days.
So I choose the colors I like most.

At first I tried this color.

Too suspicious I decided. and tried again.this is more conservative.


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