Tamiya 1/48 P-47 Thunderbolt of 404th Fighter/Bomber (1 Viewer)

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.... my eyes aren't what they used to be. Having some trouble finding them though.....

Touch your nose, then run your finger up the bridge of your nose toward your forehead 1 to 1.5 inches then do a 90 degree turn to the right or left. Continue running your finger along that line until until you feel a sharp discomfort. That's one of your eyes. The other is to the opposite side.:shock:

Ahem. Nice work on the pit walls Greg. If that's your first airbrushing job you've done extremely well. I never would have known.

An essential tool for dials and knobs is a very fine brush which you should be able to pick up at a good art supply store. Keep up the good work!
Touch your nose, then run your finger up the bridge of your nose toward your forehead 1 to 1.5 inches then do a 90 degree turn to the right or left. Continue running your finger along that line until until you feel a sharp discomfort. That's one of your eyes. The other is to the opposite side.:shock:

Great, now I can't see at all as I've got something in both eyes!! Wait, it's my fingers;)
Thanks for the kind words on my Airbrush job, I really did not think it wsa that difficult, but it was just a coarse covering job, detail work will be much more difficult I imagine.
More excuses for not getting any more work done, Christmas shopping, daily workouts, plain old lazyness;) Been trying to find a pair of those lighted magnifying glasses to help my eyeballs paint those small details in the cockpit, you think I can find a pair locally? I'll be damned if I'm going to spend $5-$8 shipping for a pair of $15 ones!!!!
Going to try the Art Supply store and see if they have something. Maybe the Fly Fishing store has some? Hobby Shops and hardware stores just do not have them I've found.

Still not sure I've got the cockpit interior color right, some pics I've seen are a cross in between Interior Green and a darker Green, others seem to be just a really dark green. I think it depends on the lighting in which the picture was taken.
I'm just going to let it go with the color I've got on it now.

Will get to work this weekend after the Christmas thingy is done. Looks like heavy snow this weekend so may be a good time to sit indoors and get some work done or go Ice Fishing;)
Slow start. Got to get busy, been pretty lazy with projects as of late. Will be out of town for new years so will be getting to work next week.
Just ordered a boat load of Eduard Photoetch stuff for the Thuderbolt. Cost nearly as much as the model itself!!! Hope it's here soon as I'm running out of time to finish this thing up. I must admint I have been a bit overwhelmed at getting back into modelling and have not put much time into it.
Hopefully I can get this thing done by the deadline? Or maybe the Group Build Gods will let me move it into the D-Day/Invasion Stripe build instead;) It will have stripes, but I don't think it was around for the D-Day Invasion.

Any suggestions on what paint to finish the model with. So far I've been painting with Tamiya Acylics as they are much safter to spray indoors that Laquers or Emamels. Overall will be a bare metal finish. Any suggestion on an indoor safe paint, that will not stink up the house?
Can't advise you on the paint I'm afraid Buck, as I use enamels, and put up with the fug. Smell? what smell? I can't smell a thing, my senses are numbed by years of white spirit and enamel carrier oils!
And PE parts already?? Dam...

Yeah, I was never one to make things easy on myself!!!

Drilled out the little holes in each cylinder for ingnition wires tonight. Painted some internal parts that sit inside the cowling. Going to wait to paint and finish the engine until the stuff I ordered arrive in case I need to mke any mods and drill holes larger, etc....
Schmitt!!!!! Just found out the on-line Hobby Shop I ordered the Photo etch stuff from yesterday has them on back order. Found another on-line shop that actually had them in stock, last one. Snapped it up. Hoping it is here by the weekend so I can get some painting done.
Hope you get the stuff Greg. I hate it when a job is held up due to back-ordered bits or kits - had to wait a month for re-stocks of the Revell Lanc, which has meant me only being able to do two models for this GB - won't have time for the Mitchell now. Looking forward to some pics when you can mate.
OK, Photo Etch stuff came earlier this week and I've been looking them over. Lot of work involved there so I've decided to forgoe them until my next P-47. Had some extra cash this week so I went out and picked up a second P-47, I'll use the instrument decals from it to replace the ones I lost and then use the Photo Etch on the next one. I wanted a camo P-47 anyway later so things worked out.
Anyway, going to stop typeing and wasting time on the internet and get to buidling again!!!

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