tamiya 1/48th dambuster build, for 'wayne little'

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So far, a tremendous amount of work has gone in to this. A very informative, enjoyable and source of inspiration thread.
just a few more for you lot,
the walkway/red lines/dinghy hatch are all hand painted all the underside is now done,[just painted the little red box where the word 'spar' goes, i was just putting some decals on when they broke up into bits so i'll have to get some more

the slight mishap

Really great progress here Ian. What did happen to the roundel?

hi wurger,
when i put the decal on the wing it just broke up into pieces they where like an autumn leaf the decals where only 1 year old and stored in a damp free area, the shop where i got them from wouldn't even give me a replacement

Hi Ian,

Now I understand.These older than 1 year decals you could put into quite warm water in order to make them softer or use Set and Sol liquids.Do you have spare decals?
thanks hunter

on i go with the lancaster....
she's not far off from being done now all the glossing then done the 'wash' on all of the panels and she's looking well 8) , the first picture reminds me of a certain lanc' when it had it's wings removed, didn't have big screws in it though

i use 'merlin' black invisable dress makers thread for all the wires this is very very fine and very very strong thread so rest assured it won't break

tamiya's decals on the 'matt' lancaster, the new decals spot the difference
hi men and the odd las'
heres a few more for you the entire fuselage is now done complete with tail planes/stablelizers on and all wires, the nose blister will go on last, i've also put the mine on and it rotates unlike my last one

i'll take some better pictures tomorrow to show you the finished fuselage.

thanks for looking

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