tamiya 1/48th dambuster build, for 'wayne little'

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after two attempts with the aftermarket roundels ! i've given up on them for some reason every time i put a final coat on them they go silver, no idea at all so i'll be using tamiya's roundels and dan says it's OK

cleaned most of the wash off and looks nice just the right amount of weathering, not gone daft with the exhaust staining neither

the wing tip lights [red/green] have all been drilled out to make it look as if there are lights in the tips, the other side of the wing tip lights has also been done the same, these are three lights though [navigation lights]

all four props are on permantley but rotate, still got to put the nose on.

oh nearly forgot.... thanks guys

a few more you you....
wings only put in to make you the pictures don't really show you how well this old lady looks the last picture shows you where this was born from ! i haven't got my own room just me and my faithful model tray

when it's finished i'll be doing a group shot of all my bombers all 1/48 all big

Why did you decide to put the wire aerials on prior to completing the wing assembly? Wouldn't you normally do that last anticipating that you may have to do some sanding/touch up along the wing join line?

And another question Ian, what advantages do you see in doing all your painting (camoflauge) and weathering prior to joining major fuselage/wing/tail structures? I would have thought it would be advantageous to do just the opposite.

answer to question 1.... the model is going to canada after its been finished thats why the wires are on and the wings are to be in a seperate box, the wing line/joint is that good there is no need at all for fillering/touching up at all and the wings interlock each other.

have you ever got your hands on a tamiya lanc ?

answer to question 2.... i find it alot easy to paint/build it up in sections, with such a large model, i slot the wings into the fuselage to make sure the cameo is correct, my masking up with the 2mm white paper which is then taped down gives a far better representation of a full sized aircraft cameo lines you don't want to see a 3mm blend line on a 1/48 aircraft as this would look like 5 foot blend line on a real aircraft

we all do our models our own way and i feel OK doing it this way

No criticism meant, Ian. I am just trying to learn. I only build 1/72nd (and very infrequently since the late 70s). Just wondering what your technique is and why.
The Lanc is for sure one of the most beautiful bombers that ever took to the skies....! NOT and I repeat NOT, in any way trying to take away anything of the heroic fighting that was done by the daylight bomber crews of any nation....but doing the same at night, not seeing a bl**dy thing....never knowing what was and where it was hiding, out there in the black skies over Europe....Hell must have seemed like a Sunday picknic in greenfield under an oak!
Excellent representation once again Ian!

There is something to be said for that. Anyone who has camped in the woods and during the day felt comfortable, knows that feeling of total, complete and utterly oppressive darkness at night. That is a psychological mind eff. Especially if you imagine being hunted at the same time.

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