Tamiya Spitfire 1/32 - Ioannis ''Agorastos'' Plagis

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Senior Airman
Jul 20, 2009
Ilion, Attiki
Guys Hello, new start with one of my favorite planes, Spitfire, and I continue with an informal tribute (if I may say so) to the Greek pilots who flew with foreign Airforces. This time value is assigned to an ace of the RAF, a Greek from Rhodesia, Ioannis ''Agorastos'' Plagis.

More for this Greek Aviator you can read here

John Plagis

I will try to replicate this profile

which is the aircraft Plagis used to fly as Commander of 126 squadron of RAF.

The stuff:

The Kit, I do not think that we need to say anything about that, just turned my teeth fell when I saw the number of the pieces, the engine by itself is a kit.

But also some aftermarket piecies

Which are: Interior - exterior set by Eduard, Zolt decals, Sutton QK type Harness bought from 1/32 Sutton QK Harness [RB-P32016] - €4.50 : RB Productions Store, Scale models and accessories by Radu Brinzan, Hispano 20mm cannons from Master-model.pl and pilot seat, door and some other internal details from here Display Products.

Next step the various improvements that can be done and will have more to do with the wiring that will be spread into the cockpit.

Stay tuned, more to come...

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Thanks Guys, keep in mind that the progress will be a bit slow considering my free time, but continous
On the other hand you need a lot of time to put all those pieces in order.

It's such a beautiful kit, it deserves lots of time spent on it anyway. No point in rushing just to get it finished, which I'm sure you won't.
Look forward to seeing the progress as and when you can post pics.
I will do my best gents, i have made some small progress by scratch building one item that tamiya misses in the kit, and by putting small details into the cockpit, but nothing serious. i will wait further more in order to show you some major progress. Thanks anyway, stay tuned


You got the plane, ran to the computer, toss the car keys on the desk, pushed away the keybord and centered the Spitty box, took the snapshot, used that digital cable to upload the pic... and you didn't even lit your ciggy ...Thats what I call excitement...

Looking forward to see this build.

Nice profile,nice kit,nice extras and this ought to be a nice build.I am looking forward to more.Cheers
Guys good morning, after a long time (short free time, a lot of work to be done with this super kit) a small update

My intention is to build this (if i can make it)

Some Eduard upgrades...

This item was splitted in two parts in order to put the eduard detail and position the lamps separetally

I positioned the item that will accept the lamps... At the same time you can see the small floodlight.

Next step, punch n' die in order to build the remote contactor, this one

I managed to build this the background is missing but i will place it in position later.

The general effort is to replicate this (or as much as i can do)

Next step some rivets on some parts in order to enhance the look. At the same time you can see some tools that were used to do the work, with the toothpick i pick the small parts to place them in the desired position. You wet the point edge of the toothpick and the small part sticks on it, after that you can carry it wherever you like.

Tip of the day, with the mechanical pencil, 0.5 for this case, i punched the small parts that i used to do the jobι.

That's all Folks, for the time being..

stay tuned.. to be continued

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.... As i showed you i wanted to replicate this

I finally made this one...

I built the economizer, the oxygen hose and i transferred the oxygen bottle to the right position for the referring time period mid1944

a general view of the built so far

For the next step i decided to replicate the small black box...

the cables that moved the rudder

and the mechanism for the elevator

Finally i made these

And some general views of a dry fit i have done to see the result

Thats all folks, to be continued...

Stay tuned

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