Tamiya Spitfire 1/32 - Ioannis ''Agorastos'' Plagis

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Guys good morning, finally after almost a month's time i have finished the engine, a model itself. Lets hope that everything will fit, at least with minor corrections. A test dry fit revealed that there is going to be some but i will face it when the time comes. Next ''episode''...painting.

Here without the frames in order to see the details:

Here the fimally assembly:

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I have watched this with interest as I have the ICM 1/48th version

But I amazed at the detail you have created. A truly wonderful model.
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Good evening guys, after a bit long time i would like to update the thread a bit. Well i have painted the two greys and the invasion stripes. These ones took me some time, a lot of masking and masking.... Well now the green is on the row.
Here i have already painted the two greys and the basic white

Afterwards the masking started...

And here you can see the final outcome

As you may noticed i left unpainted, with the black, the place where the roundel is going to be painted. Thats all for now, hope you like it, until the next update, i wish you Happy Easter.

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Obviously a very experienced builder, and doing a cracker of a job. A fine example to follow for technique. Absolutely great stuuf mate.

I am going to build a 1/32nd P-51D race plane. it has been 8 months since your first post and you are very near completion. I am now thinking mine could take a year and a half to build! Yeegadds.
Thank you very much guys. Terry, you should go out more often , yes it is Easter time. As a matter of fact for us, orthodoxs next Sunday is Easter day. We have a lot of customs and it is really a great day.


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