Texas border standoff with Mexican military

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
We really need to do something about this!

Texas border standoff with Mexican military
Foreign personnel mount machine guns on U.S. side while helping drug smugglers

Posted: January 24, 2006
2:50 p.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Texas law enforcement officers and Border Patrol agents engaged in an armed standoff with Mexican military personnel and drug smugglers just inside the United States along the Rio Grande yesterday afternoon.

According to a report in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., both Texas law enforcement and the FBI stated nearly 30 American agents were part of the incident.

Chief Deputy Mike Doyal of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Department told the paper Mexican military Humvees were towing what appeared to be thousands of pounds of marijuana across the border into the United States.

Border Patrol agents called for backup after seeing that Mexican Army troops had several mounted machine guns on the ground more than 200 yards inside the U.S. border – near Neely's Crossing, about 50 miles east of El Paso.

Doyal said Hudspeth County deputies and Texas Highway patrol officers arrived shortly afterward.

"It's been so bred into everyone not to start an international incident with Mexico that it's been going on for years," Doyal told the Bulletin. "When you're up against mounted machine guns, what can you do? Who wants to pull the trigger first? Certainly not us."

Andrea Simmons, a spokeswoman with the FBI's El Paso office, confirmed the incident, saying, "Bad guys in three vehicles ended up on the border. People with Humvees, who appeared to be with the Mexican army, were involved with the three vehicles in getting them back across."

A Cadillac Escalade reportedly stolen from El Paso was captured, and U.S. officers found 1,477 pounds of marijuana inside.

The Mexican soldiers set fire to one of the Humvees stuck in the river, Doyal indicated.

Doyal emphasized Border Patrol agents and county deputies are not equipped for battle with military personnel.

"Our government has to do something," he told the Bulletin. "It's not the immigrants coming over for jobs we're worried about. It's the smugglers, Mexican military and the national threat to our borders that we're worried about."

Earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security reported 216 incursions by Mexican soldiers during the past 10 years.

As WorldNetDaily reported, federal officials last week said Border Patrol and other federal agents working chronic drug-smuggling routes along the U.S. boundary with Mexico could be targets for retaliation by well-armed cartels from south of the Rio Grande, after a new enforcement push has dramatically curbed the importation of contraband.

"I do think we have to be prepared for the fact that as we press hard on these criminal organizations, some of them will want to fight back," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told reporters.

Mexican officials last week denied their military was making incursions into the United States.
Evan you should post this along the border this should keep them out or scare them away.


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But really drug dealers need to be stopped and shown no mercy. Drugs in USA and Canada is a big problem and it needs to be stopped. USA Military needs to get in there, people can't expect some poor cop with a shotgun and pistol to try and stop them.
The problem is that they are being assisted by the Mexican military. That is something that we should not stand for. Bush needs to get Senor Fox to make some explanation and apologize. This must not continue, or there is likely to be a border clash that could turn real ugly.

I still think the only solution to border security is to lay out a trench line with a 1/4 mile wide minefield. That seems to be the only way to secure that border.
evangilder said:
The problem is that they are being assisted by the Mexican military. That is something that we should not stand for. Bush needs to get Senor Fox to make some explanation and apologize. This must not continue, or there is likely to be a border clash that could turn real ugly.

I still think the only solution to border security is to lay out a trench line with a 1/4 mile wide minefield. That seems to be the only way to secure that border.

Hehehe mines I like that idea. Yes this has to resolved first on a political level if that does not work what choice does the USA have. Send in the helicopters with guns and missiles aboard. When they see the black smug on the ground inside USA there can be no disputing it. They were doing drugs we responded with reasonable force to stop them. They had machine guns, we had missiles. Walk quietly and carry a really big stick is my motto and anyone what messes with that is then their problem. Just like if I were a cop I would not mess around with guys that fought back, use the stun gun, batton, big flash light and if I have to use the gun. Cops get paid to up hold the law, not face unreasonable danger and risk their lives so some skum bag can live. If he pulls a gun or knife shoot him, simple. Drug dealers are the skum of the earth.
30 years ago that would have been a reason to declare war. 60 years ago, U.S armour would have been rolling over the Rio Grande for that.
Bear in mind that it is not difficult for someone with a lot of money, a drug cartel perhaps, to buy weapons and armour and to outfit their own folk to look like anyone they want to look like.

Can I suggest that it would be very much in the cartels interest to start a 'brush-war' somewhere which would draw attention away from other areas.

Not saying its so but worth considering IMO...

You have a point, Kiwimac, but intel has been seeing Mexican military units doing these incursions for quite some time. I think the Mexican government is either complicit in this, or they just turn a blind eye to it.
I think they should lay a mine field and put up a fence like Les is talking about and cut off all relations with Mexico until Mexico fixes there own problem and contains there own people and military!
Not sure if anyone else seen this last night but on CNN they showed the tunnels across the border. They were well done and I am guessing highly used. Damn it

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