Stemming the tide is the answer, but I'm not sure how that's going to happen . . . all this talk of technology and virtual walls is just that, talk. You can put all the Predators in the air that you want, but how many targets can one of them track? And when a group 20 becomes two 10s and each 10 become five 2's, you've already run out of surveillance. And you can spot all the line crossers you want, but if you don't have the personnel assets to do something about it, what have you accomplished other than having a nightly video show of a tragedy stretching over 700 miles of border. "Survival in the Desert" live tonight at nine eastern, eight central, check your TV listings. And sensors? Give me a break. 50 sensors go off in a 10 mile sector covered by two border patrol agents . . . which one, one, do they want to pick up before everyone vanishes into the countryside.
And what of the ones who already here? Let's see a show of hands of those who really want to see a 50 mile line of deuce and a halves slowly snaking its way, bumper to bumper, through downtown El Paso where as each reaches the border it dumps a load of women and children who are then forced back across the border at bayonet point. And what percentage of the US Army is Hispanic? Who does anyone think is going to be behind those bayonets? In my mind all this is perilously close to an illegal order if not actually over the line. And if some of them decide to sit down rather than cross or, worse, make a run for it? Who actually expects a US soldier to use a bayonet on a woman holding a baby and sitting in a US city street or shot down some poor schlub, in the back probably, as he literally makes a run for "freedom." Kind of reminds me of "Let us win your hearts and minds, or we'll burn down your goddamn hut and kill your pigs and chickens."
Guys, I am as conservative as the day is long, and as most of you know, not a particularly nice man, but anyone who starts off with "send them all back" is out of his freakin' mind.
I don't have any real answer that anyone in the decision making process would be happy with, but everything I've heard from them so far isn't an answer either. You know as soon as anyone starts to make a move to physically secure the border there will be a wild rush of crossers trying to beat the process, what do we do with them? Shoot 'em as they come across? Oh, that's a good answer. We can't dig that many graves. And, hot flash, the rush has already started.
About the only thing I can think of is to just go ahead and wall the border off, shades of the cold war. If they get it while that is going on, then they get in. If they don't, well, sorry about that. And make sure it's a really good wall, minimum 30 feet down and minimum 30 feet up, ought to do it. If some brave soul manages to get over (or under) pick him up, dust him off, and say "well, chum, you are now one of the few. Come on over here and we'll do your paper work, and start you on your way. Do you have any relatives we can send you to?" Build the right wall and the river becomes a creek, the creek becomes a faucet flow, and the faucet flow, a drip. A drip we can handle. This is what we do for Cubans who end up feet dry, well, maybe most of them anyway.
And illegals already here? Well, what part of "illegal"does no one understand? Don't give me any of this undocumented worker bullshit, an illegal is an illegal. Recognize that they are illegal. Now, let's figure out a way, other than a waving of a magic wand, to get them legal. Require registration, you MUST be documented or you don't work. Impose a reasonable citizenship deadline and provide the services necessary to enable them to become citizens . . . free, just sign up and we will get you the documentation ID and put you in the system for citizenship . . . we will provide the classes and materials. You go over the deadline, you get one, and only one, extension of one half the initial timeframe. After that, anyone who hires you gets fined $100,000 a day for the length of time you have been employed beyond your extension date, automatic, he can appeal after he pays . . . obviously there isn't much of an excuse for not being to read a date on an ID card (preferably an embedded electronic date that must be read by a reader in every employers place of business or conveniently located at a post office), an ID card without which you cannot be employed. Any union you might join gets the same for the length of your membership beyond the extension. Oh, and your wages? Also forfeit. Bottom line is that if you want to live here, fine, then you are going to be one of us. If you choose not to be one of us, then obviously you really do not want to be here in the first place and we will make life so unhappy for you that you will beg for a bus ticket to El Paso . . . the one, single, government service to which you will still be entitled.
Oh, and you can only send 15% of your wages overseas and it must be by wire transfer. Financial institutions will be required to file a 1099-Overseas Transfer form with the IRS which you must also file with your taxes. Fund so sent under the 15% rule are subject to a 20% overseas transfer tax. Pay attention, we know how much you make and we know how much you sent. If you exceed the 15% minimum, then that amount over the 15% is taxable at 100%. Letters, packages, going overseas will be x-rayed, sniffed, or whatever to insure cash is not being sent through the mail. Attempts, however slight, to disguise contents will result in the letter or package being returned to you as being in violation of postal regulations. Financial institutions must report to the IRS all sight drafts cashed or deposited overseas and debited to your account. This amount will also appear on your 1099-Overseas Transfer and is 100% taxable.
One man's suggestions. Extended to all immigrants, legal and illegal. You are either going to be a citizen or you are not going to like it here, not like it enough to leave.