The creepy crawly thread.....

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Nearly got nabbed by one of these some years back, was chipping cement of old bricks for recycling, went to pick up another brick and this little bugger was reared up ready to nab me. I gave it the hammer.
I love this thread some real cool beasties i take it that is the famous redback spider .just how bad is a bite from 1 of those things

I take it she's a little worse than a black widow.

Yep it's a Red Back and the bite is nasty but not as bad as the Black Widow (hence the name)

Is it just me, or is every critter in Australia deadly???

Nope, the people are great and we do have butterflies, blowflies and koalas.
Just messing with your heads fellas. A yowie is like your sasquatch or bigfoot.

We have all sorts of critters, but they generally dont come near the populated parts. The exception to that are probably the spiders, but even these, bites are very rare

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