The creepy crawly thread..... (1 Viewer)

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Hey...woodbugs are cool!


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Hey...woodbugs are cool! I prefer that one or the first one ?...think I'll stick with the lesser of two Weevils !:lol:

Hey Aaron, yup, that Hornet does look a bit past its 'sell by' date

Are those Prossessionary caterpillars ?. We used to have our Married Quarters sprayed against these things when I lived in (Episkopi) Cyprus. Only thing was...they sprayed from a crop sprayer 40 feet above the house tops !!!


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Are those Prossessionary caterpillars ?. We used to have our Married Quarters sprayed against these things when I lived in (Episkopi) Cyprus. Only thing was...they sprayed from a crop sprayer 40 feet above the house tops !!!

I believe you may be right Garry, these were in Queensland crossing a track and we counted were well over 100. Never saw them in Limassol during my 3 years tour, only loads of mozzies.
Crop spraying methods were used by the Saudis in Al Khobar at one time to combat fly's and boy did the fly's fall.
:hotsun: :hotsun:
:shock: This is the mother of a dragon fly's, a big bugger all of 13cm plus (5" plus) Aso also comes in fluoro-blue and if memory serves me right is even bigger :shock:

:hotsun: :hotsun:


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But a very nice one, Vic!

Makes me want to go hunting in the backyard with my camera. Alas, cold weather approaches, started out this morning below 45 F and the newies last night were talking about so possibility for snow in the region . . .Bah! And this is Virginia, not exactly what one would call a northern region. Though, I guess, from Australia, everybody lives north, eh?

Made a trip to Wendy's last night for some burgers, and My wife hollars out that there was a lizard. Im like where, and she said the radio antenna. Poor little bugga was hanging on for dear life. It was about 60 out so I knew he was cold. Pulled over and got him off the antenna. Put him on a tree, and he was more than happy to go up it.
Came across this photo, taken about two years ago.

Caught this young male Praying mantis fooling around on my Origami plant, he must have just come down from the Oak tree, because he hadn't changed his camo to green yet...


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