The creepy crawly thread.....

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Some great pics guys! Here's some shots I've just taken of the little dude who we share our house with. He can normally be found in the food pantry :rolleyes:


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We have those same little gecko's here in Texas. They come out at night and hang around the front porch since the light attracts all the little bugs. My neighbors calls them her little porch monsters!
Geckos love our back porch light (they got kinda angry with us when we put in a yellow bug-light to cut down on the clouds of summertime bugs)! I'll often open the back storm-door to let the dogs out, and have a startled gecko lose his grip and fall on me. Occasionally they'll get in the house, too, which isn't good with two beagles and two wife will freak out and scream for me to catch it and get rid of it....why do we have cats, again? :lol: I actually love the little boogers, because they do eat the bugs.
Man everyone has great shots, got this beautiful lady last night. This is a very unique thread, thanks for posting it.


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Man everyone has great shots, got this beautiful lady last night. This is a very unique thread, thanks for posting it.

Wow !

Thats a great set of pics of that spidey !

Found this little dude walking across the front lawn yesterday. Tended to 'stick out' a bit being yellow against the grass.
Picked him up on some bark shavings and he decides to just curl up and not move....for 2.5 bl**dy hours !. Got fed up, so took some shots of him anyway.

He/she/it is the caterpiller of the Russet Moth...big and grey and with two huge antenna on the head when full grown.

This is the first time I have ever seen one of these little beauties and it took quite a while to ID it on the web. Beautiful colours on him.


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Dang Wildcat...that gecko just wandered into your house? It looks pretty mellow though!

Nice Black Widow, ontos...we have a monster hiding in the corner of the shop, but I can't lure her out far enough to get a decent shot. Just my luck, I'd get too close and she'd probably bite my face or something. Like I said, she's huge, probably one of the bigger ones I've ever seen.

Really cool looking caterpillar, Gary! It has some awesome colors, and it's cool how thier hair grows in bunches like little paint brushes.

Great shots, everybody!
Dang Wildcat...that gecko just wandered into your house? It looks pretty mellow though!

Yeah, he seems content enough. Keeps outta our way most of the time.
Here's a pic of another creature found lurking in my laundry last night, plus some wallabies over the back fence (sorry for the poor quality).


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