The creepy crawly thread.....

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Wow Vic, that rascal looks kind of cool...almost resembles a Black Widow in a way.

Was that first photo showing the spider in the barrel of a carbeurator?

Not this one, he's tucked under the lip of the wheelie (garbage for you Americans) bin. Sorry, was tucked under…….
Hey Aaron, good thing it was just a little green spider, instead of one of those freakin' Australian bird-eating monsters!

Grabbed this shot of a butterfly in my Ellysium last May. The orange-red dust all over it's back is from it's wandering through a bunch of Lillies that were in bloom...


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Hay Aaron, caught a couple more Red Backs making a nice snug home in the wheelie bin today.

That's a beaut butterfly Dave, you must have been sharp of the mark to get that shot. I've got dozens flitting all over the garden at the moment, but they wont settle.


Just had a wander round the back yard this morning



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Wow Vic, you got some real nice critter shots!

That one bug with the X on it's back looks alot like one we have here in Northern California. Dunno if they're like a stink bug or not, I've never had the opportunity to see if they do!

We have a Praying Mantis inside the office, "standing guard" while all other bugs are getting frozen to death outside. It just goes to show ya' just how smart these things are! On top of that, this mantis is up on the ceiling, and not too far from a heater duct!

If the photo looks a little weird, it's because I had to do a "kamikaze" shot (holding the camera above my head) since the ceiling is about 10 foot high, and then rotated it so the mantis isn't viewed upside down!


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