The forum’s tele-meeting members

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Okay, the ones here above already got the invitation for next week, if you didn't, please pm me. If you still want to join, you've got until next Saturday to let me know. I need your email adres if you dind't sent it to me already for the invitation. Hope to see some of you next week.
Very good, also if as usual i understand a word each 25
i want show my grandfather blackshirts belt but my ipad stopped to open the keyboard for the chat, maybe for the next time
Many many apologies guys, I was with my youngest daughter and her cello teacher, her lesson ran late as they were discussing college's (also forgot my phone so couldn't get to the meet with that either) and I totally missed the do.

Many thanks for the invite, I'll make a better effort the next time, there will be a next time right?

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