The Group Build Participants Icon Thread....

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Just my 2 cents worth, I don't agree that the 110 would represent a night fighter better then the P-61. When you see a P-61 you know it's a night fighter period. When you see the 110 you see several different types of planes, fighter, fighter bomber, recon, fast bomber, nightfighter, glider tug etc etc.

Perhaps have the P-61 for a the Night Fighter and save the 110 for the "Focke Wulfs Messerschmitts" build? Or if a German Plane is prefered how about the He 219?
When u see that stag horn radar array on the front end of that 110, there is NO question as to what it represents...

I do agree with u that the P-61 was only a nightfighter and would be a good choice, I just like the 110 profile better, as well as the fact that having 3 American, 2 British and 1 German Icon is slightly biased...
I think you are on to something David. The He 219 is also unmistakeable as a night fighter. There is no confusing it with anything else and its German. I like it. :)
Yeah, I think it would do nicely. :)


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My 2 cents: I agree that we need another LW crate representated and it should be a dedicated NF. That said I'll see if I can did up a profile of a 219.
Here ya go Wurger, courtesy of GIMP.....


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Thank you Njaco and Andy. I'm grabbing them. :D
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Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place but I got a cold war GB participant icon stuck to my sig now. However, I never finished my entry (CF-5A Freedom Fighter) so I don't think I should be sporting the icon.
To my understanding, if you took part in the GB then you have the right to the icon. It's not important if you actually finished the model on time as you probably will do so eventually. In my opinion this is quite all right. It is important to participate...
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To my understanding, if you took part in the GB then you have the right to the icon. It's not important if you actually finished the model on time as you probably will do so eventually. In my opinion this is quite all right. It is important to participate...

You mean to tell me, I don't even Have to finish my two entries in the Cmmwlth/GB to sport the icon???? I don't think I could do that!
The Commonwealth GB is running now and will be lasting for a while yet.So nobody has gotten its icon so far. The BoB GB is about to be finished and I decided to add it to all of participants.

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