The Next Generation Group Builds Listing

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Ooo, Oooo, Ooooo!, Nose art, any time frame!!! Anything goes!!! (as long as authentic!) I Love It!
Btw, this proves the nutjobs wrong, if we have GB's in the future, I guess 2012 ain't the end of the world!
(sorry, kids, a little too much "who-hit john" to-nite!)
MTO would work for me as well. After last years trip to Malta I still want to build a kit of two involved in the defence/attacks on Malta. Got a new Italeri Hurricane and Special Hobby Spitty Vc Trop reserved for that. Maybe a Ju-88A-4 (1/72 Revell kit) of NJG-2 would work as well.
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Btw, how about GB for lesser known air forces, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Kenya etc., etc., should be plenty interesting ones just in Latin and South America, Africa, right?
Seeing what we come up with here, new GB's and repeat of old ones, maybe, just maybe, we could make them Split Group Builds, so that we all can enjoy them sooner rather than later and not have to wait until 2017 or something... :lol:

Like (and I'm just thinking out loud here):

Spanish Civil War July 1936-April 1939 + Between the wars 1919-1938....
Korean War Jun 1950-Jul 1953 + Suez Crisis....
What could have been (WCHB) + Jets 1946-1966....
Battle for France (The Blitzkrieg) + Battle of Britain....
Allied Europe Advance-Defense of the Reich WWII + Eastern Front-VVS WWII....
Pacific Theatre of Operations WWII + Carrier Aircraft WWII....
Commonwealth Aircraft WWII + The Reich and its Allies....
Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975 + Aircraft in Foreign Service WW2....
Defense of Britain WWII + Battle of the Atlantic WWII....

....and you can still move the GB's around for the best 'match'....and additions! :D
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Thanks for that Jan, nice to know your really giving this some though. However, following discussions with fellow judges a couple of points came up in which there was general agreement, the main one being to try and keep the GB subjects within the forum mandate of WWII and secondly to not have split builds.

In respect of the forum mandate we also realise that this can become a limiting factor with many a build seemingly just a repetition of others before it. With this in mind, branching out into other eras either side of WWII not only opens up the potential building subjects but also provides a wider scope of interest for the member. With respect to the split build, though this was thought to be a good idea in the first instance it is a bit of a nightmare and time consuming for the judges who have to plough their way through six areas of judging rather than the normal three.

My main thought now is how can I reducer this very long list and at the same time increase the potential subject possibilities, so I will again review the listing to see if some of the suggested subjects can be amalgamated as a single build in much the same way as you have combined them as split builds.

As always I'm very open to suggestions and if any of you folks out there have thoughts on an amalgamation idea or other areas of thought, please chip in.

Here is the list as it currently stands.

Spanish Civil War July 1936-April 1939. Gives good scope for a variety of aircraft involved in the war. *

Battle of the Atlantic WWII Allied or Axis. Opens the door for carrier as well as Coastal Command aircraft either in search and rescue, ship launched, coastal or convoy defence and float planes.* * *

Korean War Jun 1950-Jul 1953. A chance to bring in aircraft from both sides of the conflict, including carrier and support aircraft. *

Mediterranean Theatre of Operations WWII. Including the North African Campaign, the Eastern Mediterranean Operations, the siege of Malta and the Allied landings in Sicily. Good scope for Italian and Vichy aircraft. *

What could have been (WCHB) of no set period. (e.g Swedish TSR2, Brit F-111 etc) The WCHB giving people a chance to express imagination with flying or non-flying with prop or jet propulsion. * *

Battle for France (The Blitzkrieg). Giving scope for allied or axis builds, not forgetting Italy and France. *

Commonwealth Aircraft WWII. Aircraft built and used by Commonwealth countries.*

Allied Europe Advance-Defense of the Rich WWII. After the European invasion, including Italy to the fall of Berlin excluding the Russian Front. A good opportunity for some of the wartime experimental aircraft.* *

Eastern Front-VVS WWII. A fierce battle where many an ace came into being.* *

Pacific Theatre of Operations WWII. Self explanatory really but an opportunity to bring in the America, Commonwealth and Japanese aircraft from the occupation of China to the occupation of Japan.* *

Battle of Britain. Re-run of this historic battle.* *

Between the wars 1919-1938. Kind of like this one with challenges for many a biplane and some monoplanes to choose from. Suggest it be open to all nationalities in any part of the word.* *

The Rich and its Allies. Scope to bring in some of the lesser known countries involved with the Axis powers. *

Defense of Britain WWII. Defense of Britain from the phony war to 'D' Day landings can also include Invasion Stripes. *

Carrier Aircraft WWII. Very wide scope here across the board with Allied and Axis aircraft. *

Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975. Good scope here for American, Commonwealth, French and Chinese aircraft either land based or carrier. *

Jets 1946-1966. A break from the constant favorites i.e. Spitfire's, Bf 109s etc. *

Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII. The last run of this build brought up some interesting subjects, it's worth running again. *

Prototype or Weird aircraft. From those that didn't get off the drawing board to those to the ones that went into prototype production and made the maiden flight. If the prototype went into full production then only the prototypes aircraft should be considered for this build.

US or UK Manufactured Aircraft of WWII. Scope across the board here from single to four engine aircraft in any role.

German or Japan Manufacture Aircraft of WWII. Scope across the board here from single to four engine aircraft in any role.

Helicopters Military or Civil all ears. This could includes and rotor or prop vertical takeoff aircraft experimental of conceptual, such as Lockheed XFV-1 or Osprey CV-22.

Seaplanes, Floatplanes from WWII Allied or Axis. Lots of scope here from little single engine to those huge Blohm Voss mammoths if you can find the kit.

Heavy Hitters WWII Allied or Axis. Bombers, dive bombers, tank busters, ground attack, anything that delivers a heavy punch.

Twin Engine Aircraft of WWII Allied or Axis. Huge scope here and again we can take it from prototype to production.

WWII Night War Allied ort Axis. Anything related to night operations such as bombers, night fighter, pathfinders, espionage operations and intruders.

WWII Nose Art. Aircraft must be based on an actual example of flamboyant personal or squadron markings.

Central South America, Africa, Asia Asia Minor Military Aircraft. All categories from fledgling air forces to current day.
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Nicely compiled list. A public pool should show which ones "sit" with majority of members/potential GB participants. One observation though. It still seems to me that Soviet WW2 aircraft are neglected. For example you listed "US or UK Manufactured Aircraft of WWII" "German or Japan Manufacture Aircraft of WWII", but for some reason no "USSR Manufactured Aircraft of WW2".
Nice list Vic, and good point Igor!
Maybe it should be 'Allied manufactured aircraft' and 'Axis manufactured aircraft'. Italian, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, Czech and Romanian manufactured aircraft are missing too...

Re the nose art build, though there are more than enough WWII examples to choose from, it may be interesting to make it 'any era' as suggested.
Thanks again guys.

Igor – The change has been done now making in an 'Allied Manufactured Aircraft WWII' and 'Axis Manufactured Aircraft WWII.' And yes Igor I'll work out some rudimentary pole system when the time comes but it will be very basic as 'm the original computer dork.

Even – Nose are duly amended and apologies Andy, I was getting carried away with the WWII theme.

Jan – The * is secret code for knowing which is most popular………………..

Keep it coming guys.
What I'd suggest, since say the Carrier Build got tossed in there which is currently up next, is that we leave up to the end of this year alone perhaps and then from there we reorganize? Just think since people may have bought kits for that and the WWI-WWII since they're coming up. And when these GB's started I remember thinking that it would take forever for us to get through them, but has the time every flown!
Have no fear Cory, this is the intention. What we have listed stands and this new list is just to gather suggestions on the continuation of the current list from 1st May 2013.
How about a 'Post-War Warbirds' theme?

Subjects covered: Civilian and military use of WWII types after 1945, including air show circuit birds, water bombers and crop dusters, museum examples, civilian airliners/ touring aircraft, foreign sevice post war, etc, etc...

Would allow some of the odd-ball post war conversions and dubious airshow and museum 'camo jobs' a look in, aswell some of the smart civvy schemes worn by ex-military aircraft.

Members can decide if just WWII birds or any ex-military aircraft in civilian or miltary hands post service use (as a 'Post Service Warbirds' or similar build)
So to the latest list and time for a bit of a vote.

First up, my sincere thanks to all you folk out there for taking time to think and add your ideas to this list. Having added all your suggestions, I've rehashed the list and the result are listed below.

Unfortunately I neither have the skills and am not in a position to turn this into a score chart so I'm going to have to ask that you indulge me in this archaic process of scoring.

Please also be open minded about your nominations, a lot of though and work has gone into compiling this list and it would be nice if we could from this listing, set future GBs for the next 3 years or more into the future.

Voting can be done through this thread or direct to me on a PM. No time limit is being set on your voting but one would hope that within the next couple of weeks I will have some idea on how the new GB list will look.

Just in case some of you missed an earlier question, the final agreed list will commence where the current GB list finishes. The last listed GB is from Feb 1st-May 31st 2013 (revised finish Sunday, 2 June 2013) - The Jet Age 1944-45/Recon-Transport-Observer Aircraft of WW2 SPLIT BUILD

I have numbered each GB category and would appreciate it if each of you could nominate your preferred categories in the order that you would like to do the builds, e.g. 14, 18, 6, 12, 3 and so on. Should you have no interests in some of the listed builds, then no problem, just don't list them.

1. Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII. The last run of this build brought up some interesting subjects, it's worth running again

2. Aircraft Nose Art. Aircraft must be based on an actual example of flamboyant personal or squadron markings. This one has no set period.

3. Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII. Taking in all fronts following the allied invasion across the channel, up through Italy and across from Eastern Europe.

4. Allied Manufactured Aircraft of WWII. Scope across the board here from single to four engine aircraft in any role. Not just the main ones like America, Britain, The Commonwealth Countries, France and the Soviet Union but also countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia who had aircraft industries prior to invasion.

5. Axis Manufacture Aircraft of WWII. Scope across the board here from single to multi engine in any role, land based or carrier.

6. Battle for France to the Battle of Britain Allied or Axis. Giving scope for allied or axis builds, not forgetting Italy and France.

7. Between the wars 1919-1938. Aircraft in civil or military service. Lots of scope for research into the fledgling civil aviation or military operations in conflicts or peace keeping. Some examples: Greco-Turkish war 1919-1922, Second Italo-Ethiopian War October 1935-May 1936, Spanish Civil War July 1936-April 1939……………Here's a useful link to tempt your palate – Axis History Forum • View topic - Conflicts between WWI and WWII?

8. Defense of Britain and the Atlantic WWII Allied or Axis. Defense of Britain from the phony war to the 'D' Day landings in 1944 including Invasion Stripes coupled with the Atlantic War Mid 1940-1943. Opens the door for a host of aircraft, fighters, bombers, dive bombers, ground attack, land based or carrier based as well as Coastal Command aircraft either in search and rescue, ship launched, coastal or convoy defence and float planes.

9. Heavy Hitters of WWII Allied or Axis, Single to Multi Engine. Bombers, dive bombers, tank busters, ground attack, anything that delivers a heavy punch.

10. Helicopters Military or Civil all Ears. This could includes and rotor or prop vertical takeoff aircraft experimental of conceptual, such as Lockheed XFV-1 or Osprey CV-22.

11. Mediterranean Theatre of Operations WWII. Including the North African Campaign, the Eastern Mediterranean Operations, the siege of Malta and the Allied landings in Sicily. Good scope for Italian and Vichy aircraft.

12. Military conflicts of the 1950s. E.g. Korean War Jun 1950-Jul 1953, Algerian War 1954–1962, Suez Crisis 1956.

13. Night War of WWII, Allied or Axis. Anything related to night operations such as bombers, night fighter, pathfinders, espionage operations and intruders.

14. Pacific Theatre of Operations Land Based or Carrier Launched WWII, Allied or Axis. Self explanatory really but an opportunity to bring in the America, Commonwealth and Japanese aircraft from the occupation of China to the occupation of Japan.* *

15. 'Post-War Warbirds' Given a New Lease Of Life. Civilian and military use of WWII types after 1945, including air show circuit birds, water bombers and crop dusters, museum examples, civilian airliners/ touring aircraft, foreign service post war, etc, etc...Would allow some of the odd-ball post war conversions and dubious airshow and museum 'camo jobs' a look in, as well some of the smart civvy schemes worn by ex-military aircraft………………Please indicate if this should be limited to ex-WWII aircraft or be opened to any ex-military aircraft now in civil or military hands.

16. Prototype or Weird Aircraft. From those that didn't get off the drawing board to those ones that went into prototype production and made the maiden flight. If the prototype went into full production then only the prototypes aircraft should be considered for this build.

17. Seaplanes, Floatplanes of WWII, Allied or Axis. Lots of scope here from little single engine to those huge Blohm Voss mammoths if you can find the kit.

18. The Jet Age or What Could Have Been. We all have a jet that we loved and always wanted to build, one that we loved to hate, one that we wished could have been and possibly would have been if it wasn't for politics or just one that has been hanging around too long in the stash.

19. The Reich, its Allies and there Capture Aircraft. Scope to bring in some of the lesser known countries involved with the Axis powers and the aircraft they captured.

20. Twin Engine Aircraft of WWII Allied or Axis. Huge scope here and again we can take it from prototype to production.

21. Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975. Good scope here for American, Commonwealth, French and Chinese aircraft either land based or carrier.

22. Winter War and Eastern Front of WWII, Allied or Axis. Scope to cover this bitter conflict that saw the partitioning of Poland in 1939 and the annexation of the Baltic States. The invasion of Finland in November 1939 by the USSR, the invasion of Russia (Operation Barbarossa) through to the Great Patriotic Wars that lead to Berlin.

My thanks in anticipation to you all for participating.
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difficult because each group put it is amazing the amount of models to perform and frankly very colorful schemes.
before giving my verdict acknowledge the work that you've taken vic for making this so easy note that makes clear all the points.
my groups would be:
5, 4, 7, 13, 12, 17, 22, 21, 19, 1 and finally the 10
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