"The People Of Walmart"

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The guy with the breast implants - wtf?

Where next for him? I'd be looking long and hard at a face peel and botox :)

Yeah OK, and a shave probably wouldn't hurt
Bearded implant dude is pretty frightening!!!
I for one don't blame the woman with the "Don't Touch the Baby" sign on her carrier. Do you want people you don't know coming up and saying "Oh, what a cute baby and fondling them? Particularly with the threat of Swine Flu and the MRSA Virus floating around.
In fact seeing the pictures of the types of people hanging around at Walmart I'd put a sign around my own neck saying not to touch me either;)
Bearded implant dude is pretty frightening!!!
I for one don't blame the woman with the "Don't Touch the Baby" sign on her carrier. Do you want people you don't know coming up and saying "Oh, what a cute baby and fondling them? Particularly with the threat of Swine Flu and the MRSA Virus floating around.
MRSA is bacteria, not a virus.
You are correct, but it is many times referred to (incorrectly) as the MRSA Virus. Spread through contact into open cuts and wounds. Either way you look at it it's still pretty nasty.
You are correct, but it is many times referred to (incorrectly) as the MRSA Virus. Spread through contact into open cuts and wounds. Either way you look at it it's still pretty nasty.
It is, I worked in the medical field for a short time.
This maybe the funnest thing on the internet next to stuff on youtube.

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