The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, I do. And stop spying over my shoulder, it's irritating.

TPBM likes listening to the band The Clash and wears socks that clash with the rest of his clothing.
No? And there was me thinking I was 'out of this world'... oh well , goodbye ego..!

TPBM would like to go to the moon to see if it really is made out of cheese
Yep, on my right arm I have the Ritz, Studio 54, The Aljoe's, The Egypt Club (not very nice) and on my left arm......

TPBM wants to live in Luxembourg.
Only the Kiwi's think that !

Steve Irwin lead a charmed life..... until it caught up with him. Don't think
I'd like to follow in his footsteps....

TPBM forgot something today..


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