The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Luckys question? Nope!

TPBM loves to play dungeons and dragons in their basement.......
Nope, never gotten a good nights sleep in a Hotel, beds are too stiff and you just don't know what the previous occupents did in it!

TPBM is thouroughly disgusted with now!
no never had that problem
Been a bit queasy once on a north sea ferry the car deck really stank of fuel and she was taking a beam sea so wasnt the most comfortable ride I was fine when I went back, topside.

TPBM Is a land lubber and not keen on the sea
Never been on the ocean, but have been on some pretty large lakes in a 16 foot fishing boat in some very nasty weather. Got seasick two times many years ago when I had a hole in my eardrum that I didn't know about at the time. Did not take much to get sick with that problem.

TPBM likes to ride Rollercoasters.
Yep.... in the spring/summer I grow most of my own veggies. Ear corn, cauliflower, cabbage, etc I have to purchase,
but at the local supermarkets.

TPBM is reading a very good book, and will tell us about it....

Nope, spend one semester in College and decided it wasn't for me. Would like to go back now that I am older.

TPBM has some repair work to do on their automobile.
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I don't have a car, so that's no problem. :)

TPBM will tell us the nickname that Adolf Galland's father called his second-oldest son as a kid.

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