The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Yep, 10 years of providing computer tech support over the phone has made me hate phones. There were times I wanted to invent a phone with a screen that would allow me to reach through and strangle/punch the moron on the other end of the line!!!

TPBM likes the idea of that type of phone.
Sure I will. 8 years old, loved jumping from things. there was a corner billboard near where I lived, maybe 24 feet to the top. A friend and i climbed to the top from the inside structure, wood, this is 1951! sat on top looked over, no, tooo far to jump, so i'll just hang over the edge and drop down. holy ****, still too far. not sure how long it took my buddy to drrrrraggggggg me back. does that count?

TPBM did something even morrrre stupid.
Aged 9, was wicket keeper in a game of cricket, stood to close to the batsman who swung back to wack the ball and wacked me in the eye instead. Had the best black eye ever. Oh and a very sore head.

TPBM cant stomach cricket.
Used to play on soft sand where the greens were oil soaked sand that had baked hard in the sun. Golf ball would bounce once and disappear into the soft sand on the other side of the green. Never played since.

TPBM is gets glued to the telly watching golf

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