The Project

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Well today I finally got out to the hangar where I now have her stored. the owner showed up with her deceased husband's brother in law, the first owner of the aircraft - we talked for about a half an hour - told me he flew the airplane from Connecticut to Colorado! Anyway after they left it was getting a little late, didn't want to start anything that time consuming so I threw about a half of gallon of gas in her and fired her up!!!!

Hope to have the wings on within the next two weeks!


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Alright! Must have sounded great when you started her up!

To me that was the best sound in the world when you had a broke or torn apart aircraft and I helped rebuild or repair her. When that engine started for the first time, it was such a cool feeling!
TODAY WAS A MILESTONE!!!! Wings on and we taxied it - no longer a Penguin!


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