The ScharnHorst 1/200-Operation Paderborn

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Thanks fellas for the likes and looking in the base is under preparation it's called Paduka( African Padauk | The Wood Database (Hardwood) ) I am using this for anything Kreigsmarine while I use Sapele for the IJN ( Sapele | The Wood Database (Hardwood) ).The brass stand are drawer knobs got to buy another set scared those trying to drill all the way through.I will need to also add the trim on top of the base for the border to the plexiglass cover so work now focuses on the base for the next couple of weeks and by gawd Kevin clean the shop!!


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Love the ship and the workshop but is that a bandage around the innermost rear gun that I see!! :lol: :D
Talking about the blast bag Vic?This ship is my very first attempt at that. ;)
Thought I show where she is ATTM have to say a diversion was needed so a Flak 88 and a Heller 1/72 Bloch 174 came into view should be back on this in a few weeks methinks. ;)


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Thanks guys for looking in ships are not a real big deal over here but that's okay I get alot of satisfaction out of it.The wood is on it way to being finished put an oil finish on it I get locally delivered in from Vicksburg MS stuff is really good.I give this some time to dry out maybe another coat either way once dry then goes the varnish and once hard polish it out with steel wool and lastly a fine automotive polish for paint.


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What are the brass supports ?
You will laugh they are door knobs for drawers almost the biggest I could find,I take a drill bit (small)and and drill from the top all the way through pretty much centered now.I flip it over and start drilling with a 1/4" bit about 1/2"-5/8" what looks good.I then super glue a 1/4" dowel in the bottom and drill the corresponding 1/4" hole in wood for wood glue.I do plan on putting maybe 1 1/4" plastic square on top of the pedestals for added support of course painted red. ;)
It's a real gem Kevin and that stand is going to shine as much as the model. Brilliant. :thumbright::lol:
Thanks Vic just called my glass company I have been using for 30 years to see if they could build the case...No was the answer I was surprised.I found out looking at some YT videos and Acrylic Weld #4(already ordered) and I will go by the glass shop and get the Plexiglas looks to easy. ;)
You will laugh they are door knobs for drawers almost the biggest I could find,I take a drill bit (small)and and drill from the top all the way through pretty much centered now.I flip it over and start drilling with a 1/4" bit about 1/2"-5/8" what looks good.I then super glue a 1/4" dowel in the bottom and drill the corresponding 1/4" hole in wood for wood glue.I do plan on putting maybe 1 1/4" plastic square on top of the pedestals for added support of course painted red. ;)

Laughing .. no, absolutely not, Kev. It is a very good idea. I have to admit I use the wooden ones for making these. These are much easier to fit to the base and model. And painting is also easier. ;) If needed of course.
I asked because these seemed to me familiar. :) Anyway if polished these look great. :thumbright:
and out of the blue .. doesn't it? Take it easy, here the same. :lol:

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