The Tradition Continues......

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Military service skipped a generation with me and my brothers but today it continues! My son left for basic today in the Army to be a tank driver. I've traced our family all the way to Robert E. Lee so we had to keep this going!!!

Sadly my son and I have been estranged for the past two years so all I know is he is going to Ft. Benning, GA. Hope he does well!!
It is never too late Chris, show up at his graduation and family day (the day before graduation) and surprise him.

Also as a veteran to a future veteran, thank him for his service for me.
Yes indeed, congrats to both of you. A lot of young men/women feel they owe nothing to their country, be very proud. I also agree, show up, even if you are snubbed, it will be remembered. Was at Ft. Benning three weeks for para school. Always envied the guys in tracks, they always had all that water.
I agree with everyone here, you have to go, Congrats, it's an honor to have a child in the service. I know how you feel, we have been estranged from our son for 16 years and we just became a family again. Don't let chances pass you by, go to the graduation, it will mean a lot to him, even if he doesn't show it outwardly.
Thanks for the comments guys. Would graduation be in GA if he is at Ft. Benning? And will the local recruiter give me that info? I think he is in for 15 weeks.
Thanks for the comments guys. Would graduation be in GA if he is at Ft. Benning? And will the local recruiter give me that info? I think he is in for 15 weeks.

Yes it would be in GA. Do you know his class information? The local recruiter should be able to get that info for you pretty easy. If you would like you can shoot me a PM with his name and any other info you have and I will try and get you some info.

Take some leave and go to it, as I said above you will not forget it. Neither will he, even if he does not show it. Hell, it might be the step needed to bring you two back together, you never know...
Thanks Chris. If my calculations are right, the grad will fall sometime the first week of November which I have already taken off for. Might work.
Well my son made it to basic but he is having some problems. He really has never been in a situation like this and I guess from the postings his mom is posting on Facebook, he is having difficulty adjusting.

Here is the FB page of the unit he is with....

1/81 of the 194th Armoured unit. The pic is the day they arrived and though its hard to tell, the guy in the middle left I believe is my son.

Can you guys give me some suggestions as to what I could send him or write that may make a difference?


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