The Travels of Tel's Tin Tent.

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You guys forgot Milwaukee's Best.
The guys that lived in the dorm room next to me one year drank so much of that cr@p that they wallpapered one wall with the cardboard cartons. Of course the smell of burning rope was often noticed coming out from under their door so that probably made the Milwaukee's Best bearable.
Aannnd - back to the thread subject !

Had a good couple of days with Karl here at the Tin Tent, with reasonable weather, sunny spells and the odd rain shower.
We got to Framlingham airfield museum on Sunday, and had a good look around the Museum of the (British) Resistance, and the 390th Bomb Group Museum in the preserved control tower, with loads of interesting exhibits, and friendly and helpful staff.
Yesterday, we'd planned to go to the Muckleburgh Military Collection, a large private museum of working tanks and other military vehicles etc, but the weather at that location, on the north Norfolk coast, was looking evil, with rain and 40+ mph winds, so that idea was binned, and we went to Duxford instead, as we hadn't been there since "Legends" in July 2019.
There were quite a few changes in the museum hangars, and a number of exhibits either missing or moved. As the Restoration hangar was closed, we presumed some stuff was in for refurb or cleaning etc.
We were fortunate enough to meet the archive staff, in the cafe, from the Airborne Museum, who are both ex "Paras" like us, and had a good chat and exchanged "war stories", and were told to ask Reception to call them when we visit next, and they'll get us in through the "Staff" entrance for free !!
Internet connection here is very slow or non-existent, so I'll post pics after I get home on the weekend.

So, this year's visits to the 'van and local area have been enjoyable, with fantastic weather in August, if perhaps a touchette too hot at times, and reasonable, mainly dry with sunny spells this last four weeks, and the local brewery profits must have seen a sharp up-turn too !
Even allowing for the "wasted" two weeks waiting for my meds to be delivered, I've enjoyed the peace and quiet and fresh air, and hope to get back here early in the season next year, probably late April or early May, depending on health and weather etc.
But, with a bit of luck, this is not the end of the Travels for this year, as I hope to get on the trail of escaped Luftwaffe prisoners in the UK in either October or November - more on this when I can confirm plans.

Watch this space early next week for photos of our recent visits to Framlingham and Duxford.....................
Bit of a set-back today.
I'd intended to go to Miniatures World, in Wroxham, especially as it's been a nice sunny day, and relatively warm for this time of year in the UK.
Got in the car, the engine turned over but wouldn't start. This also happened last Sunday, although it eventually started and ran perfectly the next few times I used it. Not this time though - starter motor is bolloxed !
Fortunately I'm covered for breakdown and recovery, and the mechanic arrived within forty minutes. The car has gone off to have a new starter motor fitted, and should be back with me tomorrow afternoon, although the estimated repair costs seemed a bit high to me. Had to be done though, as recovery to my home address would be a hassle, and my local mechanic friends are on holiday for ten days.
Ah well, at least I'll have the car back in time to close up here and head home on Sunday, and I suppose it was a reasonable excuse to light the barbie early, and open a case of Speckled Hen !!
Bit of a set-back today.
I'd intended to go to Miniatures World, in Wroxham, especially as it's been a nice sunny day, and relatively warm for this time of year in the UK.
Got in the car, the engine turned over but wouldn't start. This also happened last Sunday, although it eventually started and ran perfectly the next few times I used it. Not this time though - starter motor is bolloxed !
Fortunately I'm covered for breakdown and recovery, and the mechanic arrived within forty minutes. The car has gone off to have a new starter motor fitted, and should be back with me tomorrow afternoon, although the estimated repair costs seemed a bit high to me. Had to be done though, as recovery to my home address would be a hassle, and my local mechanic friends are on holiday for ten days.
Ah well, at least I'll have the car back in time to close up here and head home on Sunday, and I suppose it was a reasonable excuse to light the barbie early, and open a case of Speckled Hen !!
I say beer Gremlins. They are the worst. Taking out the starter, so the owner has to do some more beers. You poor fellow. Well i hope the smoke of the barbie will scare them away.
Had that in France once when my car packed inn. The gremlins yelling "Mais oui mon capitain how bout a beer?" Bastards.. i took their bait. Took 2 days to fix my car. One of it was spend in the caravan withs some asperine. The fix was 20 min tops by an able mechanic.
Yep. What I really want to say now is bucking follox !
It seems that the problem is not just the starter motor. A new one was fitted today and, when the garage tried to start the engine, it refused and there were some horrible clanking noises !
This could just be the flywheel sensor, or the crank shell bearings or a number of other things, but it means engine out, strip down, investigate and repair as required. Going to cost mucho £££'s, but I'll know more next week, although it may be cheaper to have it written off on the insurance, if the cost exceeds the value of the car. I'll speak to my insurance company tomorrow and see what they advise.
The earliest I can expect to have the car back is Thursday next week, if I decide to have it repaired, so I can either have the work done, get a hire car on the insurance, and then have the car recovered to my home address, or wait until it's fixed and then drive home. Decision to be made when I know more.
But, negative vibes aside (Woof, Woof !), the weather forecast for here for the next week is pretty good - mainly sunny, temperature between 17 and 20C, compared to home, where it's already p*ssing down, cold and windy, and set to get worse !

Of course, this all means there won't be any underwhelming photos in this thread until I'm sorted, back home and settled.
Watch this space for the next installment of the "Troubles of Tel's Tin Tent" !!!

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