The What is it? Game

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Dead easy - it's the cover plate over Davros the Dalek's brain cell, just before the lid was closed and painted black.
OK then, that's me f***** !
It is a bit different isn't it :)

Right, some clues....

Its not a Meteor or Vampire...good tries tho' chaps !, a Dalek would love to mate with it...probably....aaaaaaannnnd

Its a nose wheel inner cover (this bit does normally have a cover over it but you may have seen one somewhere...), from a currently active Frontline twin. And the word 'Fortress' has some meaning to its name :twisted:
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Sorry Terry, its not a Thunderbolt....allthough you have seen this bird on a few occassions

Its also a twin seat jobbie
Way to go Terry, you got her !

This is the FMA IA 58 Pucará. A twin stick, Turboprop in frontline service with the Argentine and Uruguayan Air Forces. Quite a sexy looking bit of kit...I always said if I ever had enough spare cash floating around, I'd get one for my personal transport !. I'd need a step ladder tho' cos she aint half got a set of legs on her...she's just short of 18 feet high !!!

Over to you DB


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I don't get the "fortress" connection but oh well...

Terry, I'm trying to decipher your offering. Can't tell if that's glazing or a hole like an air intake. Rivets/screws make it not modern I would assume. And unfilled rivet holes, hmmmm.

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