The What is it? Game

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I gotta get me a better set of pics. Good stuff Glenn. In fact, it is a Bollingbroke:


  • Bollingbroke.jpg
    101.6 KB · Views: 50
That was a good one Andy.:thumbright: I didn't get it right away, it took some looking. At first I thought it was maybe a B-17 with somewhat modified nose windows, but to my knowledge there are none around in RAF colors, and it looked like a multi engined bomber, so I started looking at RAF bombers and Bingo!

I will have a new picture up a little later today.
Thanks Aaron. By the way, that Bollingbroke is located at the Bomber Command Museum in Nanton, Alberta, about a 45 minute drive from my home. I beleive they're trying to get the engines in working order but the plane won't be flyable.
I remember seeing an article 10 or 15 years ago about several Bollingbrokes that were found on some farmers field in Canada. They looked like basket cases at the time, but I wonder if this one is one of them.

Anyway here's the next one:


  • P9032905.JPG
    29 KB · Views: 76
Yup, this aircraft was in fact bought from a farmer in Sakatchewan and restored. I'm gonna guess a Global Hawk drone there Glenn though I think I'm wrong as the split intake is not quite right for it.
Thunderbolt; It (the Bolingbrook model minus its larger engine neclaces, larger oil tanks and winter/water survival gear = a Blenheim model/pattern) is made from restored and certified parts from a few of them, and if not restored, then new 'pattern' fabrications from unserviciable parts, look for a book called 'The Forgotten Bomber' - covers the restoration of the 1st air-worthy Blenheim/Bolingbrook and its subsiquent destruction - some of the surving parts are now in that one pictured above.

as for the nose pic... Cesna, Beechcraft - lycoming/continental/flat engined predominantly civil A/C.
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