The What is it? Game

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ow about another clue. It has a triple tail like a constellation
no not rotary engine, rotor for lifting surfaces
here is a bigger clue, if nobody gets it, I will give the answer on 11/26/11

clue 2.jpg
U-17 gyrocopter?
you said rotors as lifting surfaces. that only can mean autogyro
or the A-18 air and space gyrocopter
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Thats a problem. all the pictures of aircraft ive taken are plainly obvious, and garden variety. so even posting would be a flat out insult to you people.
Lets just say that im in a corner of the world where you see strange cars, but never strange airplanes. thats why im always on the net and not out in the neighborhood :p
identifying aircraft is one of the most fun things i like to do, and i guess i got so excited that i overlooked the stipulation that you have to present a picture you took yourself
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We crop the photo down to a specific part most of the time. If you have taken the shots with a digital camera and have them on your computer you can use the Paint program to crop a shot to a specific point of said bird and post it.
Didnt take them with a digital camera. Im a house rat lol, and it was a while ago(before digital cameras were even coming in). but if i cant find one in time, feel free for the first person to step forward and take this turn for me until i can retake some pictures for the next turn i get (i feel rather foolish coming in like this unprepared)
Don't feel foolish. We like folks coming in and joining us. It's a lot of fun and you can probably teach us some things. Feel free to join in any time, the more the merrier.:) Can you scan some of your images? If so, JUMP IN!:thumbright:
well i cropped one ive had from the internet for you. if you can tell me how to block you being able to pull up info from it, ill be happy to challenge you all with it

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