The What is it? Game

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When you save it to your computer and click the save as button, just rename the photo but make sure once you we have guessed the plane that you also give the photographer credit for his work. This is one of the reasons we use our photos so we don't get in trouble with copyright infringements.
ok here goes
yep. i was kind suprised you picked wolfhound out of all the b-17s that were captured. however while that is the likely answer, the picture i took this from is missing a few of the numbers in its code

Bart M. Rijnhout is who i read took or claims the picture, if not please correct me so the lawyers dont rise from hell to kill us all
i know you are supposed to follow the rules, however im in a bit of a pinch cause i rushed in without reading the entire rule list, and i had to keep the game going somehow, so i was told i could use a internet picture as along as i properly credited the owner of the pic.
Notice the paint on the tail of Wolfhound? The camo on rudder is very distinctive :) turn then:

The ones I've posted in the past were too easy for ya'll, so this should be more of a challenge!


  • IMGP20665-gamepeice.jpg
    2.4 KB · Views: 50
well i akready have bad eyesight and am wearing glasses. i think for this round, itll have to be totally random fire until we get a hint. so everyone, fire away. maybe one of us will get lucky with a near miss, earning some sort of hint
Looks familiar, but blowed if i know what it is!
BTW, the camouflage on the rudder of 'Wolfhound' is the Medium Green blotches used in 1943, commonly called 'Crows feet', which made me think B-26.
And come on, man...I'd figure either you or Gary would have nailed this right off the bat

Its the fairing on the Gatling at the pointy end of an A10
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