The What is it? Game

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You can't beat a bit of influencing ....the colour is correct for the plane its sprayed on (yeah, I know...really helpfull !), but sorry matey, its not an Attacker

Its a single seat tail dragger with a three bladed prop.

None of the above chaps, sorry

Some clues for you...its not British or American...and whoever it is made them, didn't make very all !
Sorry Aaron, its not a '51.

I just don't like the way the front of the windscreen is riveted to the fuse...who does that? Would make for a drafty cockpit!
Its not an amatuer renovation or reconstruction....thats how they made them, honest !!

I'll give you some more clues, it looks fairly similar to the DH Chipmunk....very slim, and it was designed for low altitude work, and had fixed machine guns (Brownings) and it didn't really need a prepared runway to operate from.
I think I know what it is, but blowed if I can remember the manufacturer - former Yugoslavia I think, perhaps Sokol ? There was one on the UK air show circuit about 20 years ago.
If this turns out to be a microwave, I WILL haunt you!

Classic !!!. Methinks we need to start a thread of 'sayings'. David, you'll be pleased to note its not a Microwave it something from cockpit-fest?

Yup, but I didn't want to say so straight off,

Following Airframe's clue, Soko 522?

Its not a SOKO 522 but you were soo very close !

I think the name of the tingy I'm thinking of is Krajus ?

I think the name of the thingy you is thinking of is Kraguj...and nope, I have absolutely no friggin idea whether you pronounce it or sneeze it !!. However mate, you are correct. It is in fact a Soko J-20 Kraguj. One of a handfull of survivors and quite a pretty little looking thing. Hard to image going on the oiffensive in one of these allthough she could be equppied with rockets and could drop a few bombs if needed.


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