The What is it? Game

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I thought that was relaxed some time ago, since it allows for more interesting challenges.
Oldcrowcv, it's been relaxed so more folks can participate.
Dave, you win the cigar sir! Good one to but then, like you Martin, you know what I have shot.
I have a request. Would one of the mods please remove the first shot of this sequence. It's the full size shot and is 4 megs. I tried but it would not delete it. Sorry, thank you in advance.


  • IMG_5757.JPG
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  • IMG_5700 adjusted resized 25 legal.jpg
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  • IMG_5757 resized 25.jpg
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Actually, I haven't seen that shot of yours! I was using the power of deduction and your clues helped narrow it...but I was running out of Liason ideas...

By the way, you can kill the photo if you go to Edit Post > Advanced and then look down a little bit and find "Manage Attachments" with the list of images included in the the photo you wish to get rid of by hovering the cursor over the image and click the X and there ya' go!

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