The What is it? Game

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Not a raptor. Forgot about the bigger pic, sorry. Ill give a hint, its not a fighter either.
So its not a combat plane, but could possibly be one that has civilian uses...bit like the c130. However, straining the optics, I'm beginning to think that it was maybe something on the lines of a 'Blimp' but didn't think any-one would be that wicked :)

So, nothing ventured, nothing gained and a totally wild shot in the dark, I'm going to go with my gut feeling its a chopper of some sort. Looking at the fuel tanks, they look military to me so i'm going to suggest the Erickson Skycrane. The Skycrane has both mil / civ operators and could explain the color scheme and the military drop tanks.

Yup, I know....wrong (again :) )
Well its not a helicopter per se, nor a blimp of any kind. Here is a larger picture. Shouldnt be long now...
Still a small pic. I'm thinking that tilt-wing rotor prototype from the 1960's, long before the Osprey, but can't remember the name/number. Think it was from Ling-Temco?
B**dy autocorrect !. When I typed in 'Osprey' it put Erickson Skycrane and I didn't check before submitting :)

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