The What is it? Game

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Sorry not a Dauntless. Not sure if it was ever used for target towing, dont think so.
Mmm, a Fairley Battle Target Tow-er for air crew gunnery training? ..since it can't be a B5N1 Kate?

Not a Kate, but it is a Battle...thought my clue 'fight' might give the game away :)

Well, done mate, your turn


  • what.jpg
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Blimey gov'ner, you got it in one! ...I should have left the edge of the cowling out of shot, then only the cannon fumes vent would be other main clue..
...your turn Vick
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I need a magnifying glass - the image is tiny, and even though there's a box to click to make it 928 x 696, it still shows at about postage stamp size.

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