The What is it? Game

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Still think its a twin looking at its stance, so I'll offer a Cessna Bobcat, possibly in Naval colors.... Yeah, I know :)
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Nothing ventured, nothing gained...looking at the angle of the fuselage, I'll unconvincingly suggest a P-47. Having said that, I dont recall seeinga Jug with an antenna that shape so ignore my suggestion.

I'm wondering if its perchance got a radial in front and a tandem canopy...sort of T-6 ( in other words :) )
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Think you'll find its an L29 Delphin.
Might even belong to the Thunder Delphins jet demo team ?
That would be the monster Gary. You're up sir! Good show.


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That was a hard one !.

This is an easy one !

Teehee !


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