The What is it? Game

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HU-16 Albatross is correct. It's Jimmy Buffetts old Albatross which is currently part of a bar/restaurant as you're walking to the gate of Universal Islands of Adventure in Orlando Florida.


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Ok It's my turn to challengin you guy's. Here it comes, guess this gun and you might find out whitch plane used it.


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It's not a Molins 6 pdr gun and it whasent the Mosquito that used that cannon on the picture.
B25 Mitchell is my third choice (I know,I haven't stated the second choice yet !), can't remember the weapon type, but 37 mm rings a bell. Although I think that had a vertical rack feed.
First thought was then Mollins 6 pounder as fitted to the Tse-Tse Mosquito's but I dont recognise the magazine so I'll go with the 75mm Canon fitted to the Herc gunship.

Whatever it was fitted to...I'd sure hate to be on the receiveing end !!!
It's not the 75mm cannon for the B-25H Mitchell, ether Me 109, Hs 129 or Bell YFM-1 Airacuda used this, not even the 105mm cannon on the AC-130 gunship. The plane that used this gun is not in service anymore, but there is one that remain in museum. The main purpose to this gun whas for groundattack, specially to destroy or dammage the enemys invasionfleet, particular the landing craft.


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Difficult to get a proper idea of the size of this gun. So, in for a penny with the Saab J21

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