The What is it? Game

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Here's a picture that gives you a of the size of the gun Geede and a part of the plane, and sorry but it's neter the Ju-87, J1N Gekko/Irving and Saab J21.


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Sorry not a Do17 or Me 410. In the beginning there whas a plan to replace an earlier obselete prewars torpedo-bomber to fullfill a demand to respons to an increased treat of an possible invasion from the sea. And the idea whas to use this new plane by rearm it whit a topedo. But during test it shoved that the old torpedo or even those been modificaded couldent stand the impackt on the water because the plane whas to fast, so instead they build in this full armed 730kg cannon in the bombay instead whitch they could attack the target far as 2 km away firing 40 2,5 kg HE or AP round in 13 sec, some smaller cannons and a macinegun where added to, they even added some rockets arament to to fulfill the demand of an attack-airplane that could defend the country against a enemy invasionfleet.


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How about the Piaggio P108A. Fitted with a 102/40mm naval canon with a 47 round capacity.

Not sure if the fact it was a four engined plane made it too fast for dropping torpedo's, but hey ?
Sorry Geede, and sorry everyone else that tryed guessing but verner is the vinner\\:D/
Yes it's the SAAB 18 or correctly SAAB B 18T

See Link on the gun.


A secon better one start at 8:00

followd by this


The suggestion of Mosquito XVII whit the Molins 6 pdr gun by Airframes makes me whonder how they whold stand together in comparing, the mossie whould be slightly better i guess, mainly by sleaker aerodynamic that give some faster speed. but the Molins 6 pdr whouldent stand up against Bofors 57 mm automatkanon m/47 in firepower or?


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an interesting comparison, both the guns are 57 mm so the bore diameter is the same.
The Bofors had a larger magazine and a higher rate of fire but the cartridge it used has a much smaller case only 230 mm long with a muzzle velocity of 686-744 m/s and projectile of 2.5 kg with 692,219.86 joules of energy at the muzzle so it was significantly less powerful than the 6 Pounder 441 mm long case with a muzzle velocity of 890-1235 m/s and projectile of 2.8 kg with 1,109,341.88 joules of energy at the muzzle in the most even matched loadings

The Molins Gun, which was technically known to the RAF as the "QF 6pdr Class M Mark I with Auto Loader Mk III" was based on the long-barrelled (50 calibre) gun. The gun weighed 487 kg (635 kg with autoloader) and was fully automatic, with a rate of fire of about 55 rounds per minute. The ammunition supply in the autoloader consisted of 21 rounds, held in five racks of unequal length, plus two additional rounds in the feedway. The rounds in each rack were fed by a combination of gravity and a spring-loaded arm and each rack was moved into place in turn by an electric motor. Against U-boat hulls, it was calculated that it would be able to penetrate the hull when striking at an angle of 45 degrees or more, at a range of about 1400m, even through 60cm of water. The gun/aircraft combination was extremely accurate, achieving a hit rate in training of 33% against tank-sized targets

so 50 rounds from the Bofors firing at a 100 RPM rate or 23 rounds from the 6 Pounder at 55 RPM for a total of each delivered in a span of about 30 seconds

Which is better?
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Thx norab for the data, by the way have you anything on the japanese Ho-401 cannon and is there any combat record of it?
by the way norab after you have given me mutch info that i needed, maby you should give us a new "The What is it? Game" or shall I again?
Please feel free to go, I'll see if I can dig up anything on the japanese gun for you
The Ho-401 was another 57mm gun fitted to the Ki-102 "Otu" aircraft, there doesn't appear that there are any reports of it being used in combat. It had a rate of fire of 80 RPM but only had a 16 round magazine so 12 seconds or so of firing time., It's pretty clearly the weakest of the three, the projectle weighed 1.8 kg and the casing length was only 121 mm with a muzzle velocity of 495m/s. The muzzle enegy would be 220522.5 joules so the breakdown is like this from highest to lowest muzzle energy
  1. 6 Pounder - 1,109,341.88 joules
  2. Bofors 57mm - 692,219.86 joules
  3. Japanese "H-401" 57 mm - 220,522.5 joules



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Thx for the interesting info. norab. You havent taken a new "The What is it? Game" so If you dont mind that I do it then ok?

Here it is.
Guess what plane used this engine. Hundreds where build and some where sold to other country but only 1 remain flywourty.
sory forgot picktures, here it is


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Interesting engine. Looks like a 12 cyclinder, opposed, diesel (looks like injectors not sparkies) and could quite possibly be a two stroke to boot ! :!:

I get the feeling that this type of engine would be fitted to a seaplane and not an amphibian ?. I'll have a look at my library later on.
You might not belive me Geede but that thing only have 6 cylinder. Some where equipt whit other inline engine, but they where mainly build whit radial engine. In Switzerland this passengerplane where used before WW2. Smoke sorry but this engine on a P-35 Serversky? not a chance this plane used this engine or be successfull if it whas.

Geeede and rest of you sorry for not inform you about this, but there whas also a another type of plane equipt whit this engine. If you whould know whitch im talking about you could think the designer of the engine and the plane be the same guy because they are both looking so ortodox. This weird plane planned to be used in the used mainly as reconnaissance, but the plane where to underpowered, so they converted those whit 6-cylinder engine for transporting passenger.

here a pickture of the plane as bomber, but only a bit of it.


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