The What is it? Game

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Gloster Javelin
Ghuuh, I whas hoping to fool you guy's thinking its a SAAB SK 35 c traineer at this angle, but i failed.

If its any consolation mate, at first I thought it was a Saab Drakken !....convinced myself, entered my reply...then edited it as I had second thoughts !. If you had provided a smaller section, that would have had us guessing fro quite some time. Nice one !

Ok chaps, try this one.

errrrrr. its not a single !


  • WHATsit.pptx.jpg
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That would have been my first guess....sorry, not a Shaklelton MR3 :D
Four engined prop-job, but ? I'm thinking one of two types, first pure guess being C130 Herc, possibly the Boscombe long-nosed weather research ship ?
The B-29 had a big engineers panel, and Gary, I think you are resourceful enough to get yourself into FiFi to take some pics

Indeed I was !....spent quite a bit of time inside 'Fifi during the CAF Airsho 2008 (even when she was 'closed' to the public for viewing !). Sadly not the topic of my pccie allthough here's a quickie of 'Fifi's engineers panel for you for reference....

C130 Herc, possibly the Boscombe long-nosed weather research ship ?
And its not 'Snoopy'. Like the train of thought, but alas , wrong


  • caf1.jpg
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Not a DC4

Okeydokey....some clue''re all wrong so far !!!! :twisted:

Its not a single

Its not a British design of any shape size or sort

Its pulled through the air by props

The pilots had a rope to escape from the cockpit if it all went 'pear shaped' !
Its not a C54 or a MD11

Its not a Douglas A/C

Its not a taildragger
It's either that bl**dy big cargo thingy the name of which I can't remember, looks like a squared -off ancestor of the Herc, I think called Globemaster or something, or it's a Lockheed Constellation of some type, possibly Warning Star.
Not a Lockheed product or a Globemaster

It is big....but then it is a 4 engined jobbie !

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