This is seriously p*ssed-off me.

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Hi Paul.
I haven't been much online here, but now I have read up on this thread.
I agree wholeheartedly with what the rest of the guys have said here, the whole thing just gave me a burning knot kinda feeling in my stomach. Anger doesn't even begin to cover what I feel on the little girl's and the family's behalf.
And I could call that sick individual a lot of nasty things, it doesn't even begin to cover what I feel about such a creep.
Your family, your granddaughter and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

I am very sorry not to have offered you my sympathy sooner on this horrible and tragic event. Your experience is the manifestation of every parent and grandparent's worst nightmare including my own for my 9 yo granddaughter who lives with her single mom. My thoughts are with you and your granddaughter. I pray that she come through this with no scars and especially an appreciation for how much her family loves and supports her. Early returns from the courtroom sound most promising for such a young person. Wow, she's demonstrated some major courage. :salute:

Child molesters generally get their due when they go to jail.

And in all honesty, I can't say I have a problem with that.

Hopefully the other inmates will get your revenge for you and you won't have to take the risks yourself.
Sorry to hear about you grand baby.

Long ago I was on recruiting duty in Tallahassee, FL. It was Xmas time and a molester was targeting kids going in bathrooms at the malls.
One of the AF recruiters had made "Dog Tags" for his kids, the message ID'd the NCO then gave all his qualifications - VN Vet, Expert with a range of weapons, Various Special Training Courses, the weapons he owned - and that he could call upon various Spec. Ops. People to assist him.

He ended the message stating that anyone who molested his kids would be found and die in the most painful way possible - no matter the consequences to himself.
I can't say the Tags kept his kids safe but none of them were bothered and we all thought it was a great idea.

Death is too good for these ass holes.
You know, I have no idea why we have to try to be so humane to Rapists/Murderers.

There was a Dennis McGuire, who raped and then slashed the throat of a girl. He then buried her while still alive.

While being put to death, he had to "suffer" for 24 minutes before dying, and died of a heart attack apparently before the injection. Of course, he was given sedatives prior to the lethal portion of the injection, so he was at least sedated while he died.

Now we have many people and groups protesting the "humanity" of his killing, even an internet site that lists him as being "murdered" by the stat of Ohio.

Not that I would want to intentionally inflict undue pain on someone like this - but to be up in arms about it defies logic to me.

I'm sure McGuire's victim felt being raped, having her throat slashed and then being buried alive was inhumane.

Sorry to digress, Paul, your situation just reminded me of this incident.
This is the worst kind of crime I can think of. I agree wit the death penalty without question on child molestation cases, Hell I feel the same way about rape. We don't use it enough as it is only for Capital Murder and as pointed out take far to long to carry out a sentence. Life with out parole they tell me it cost less to keep someone locked up the rest of his life then a death sentence. Lock all the perverts up in and open cell and leave then to themselves.
While I do not disagree with either of you I also can refer back to Olde England and what was termed the "Bloody Code", which included some 220 crimes punishable by death, such as "being in the company of Gypsies for one month", "strong evidence of malice in a child aged 7–14 years of age" and "using a disguise whilst committing a crime". The Black Act of 1723, created an additional 50 capital offences for various acts of theft and poaching from wealthy landed estates.
My heart and mind are it two places on this. I've seen way too many perverts/repeat criminals/ killers walk essentially free. Just had a truck driver fall asleep after driving 15hr hours straight, in violation of all Federal rules/Laws, and plow (never even tried to brake) into a bus killing 4 people: involuntary manslaughter - four years - good behavior out in two. On the other hand, Olde England's draconian 270 capital crimes and public executions did nothing to deter crime while modern "death" sentences via lethal injection after 25 years on "Death Row" are almost meaningless.
So legal talk is cheap let's see what the 16th brings in reality, and whatever sentence is imposed, what does it mean in real time.
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