Trumpeter 1/32 BAC Lightning build

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Very nice work Ian. I'm looking for some more detail shots for you, for the final touches. I should have some for the canopy, which should have a slightly thicker lower frame, and a pale yellow line of sealant/'cut here' marking. I'll e-mail you on Monday night, or Tuesday - I'll ask Rochie to remind me when he gets here!
Looking forward to the next bits mate!
Something else that was spotted by another member is that the Canopy Frame is TOO THIN so i've got to make that thicker too.

This is how the Canopy should look...

Trimmed the exhaust covers to the shape of the rear exhausts, wasn't that simple and took 2 attempts to make it.

Thanks for all the coments and advice guys, there much appreicated .
Well guys i reckon in about two days time this baby will be finished and yet again another model gone to the history books ! eh !!

Just about finished putting all the decals on, just a few small black 'walkway' lines to put on the wings this i will do when the wings are on, also put on the rear wings and airbrakes and missile rails.

Beginning to look like a cover now

Brass rod added for the rails.

Not a bad bit of scratchy building there if i don't say so myself.

I've attached the two parts which hold the wheel cover now, in the instructions it tells you to do it with the front leg glued into the fuselage doing it this way would be very akward indeed.

All front undercarriage is on and FIRMLY glued in well, don't want it to break

Everything looking level, i did **** up at first i put the tail planes on the wrong side and made them point down wards i had to rip them off then and re-paint a silver part where the wings go on.

Cleaned alot of the wash out as it looked just too dirty and being a show bird i don't think it would be that mucky.

Fin flash altered as in the box art and as in real photo's, Trumpy supplied new decals to rectifie some of their mistakes but not all on them, the fin flash has a white border around the fin flash and trumpy didn't alter this, so i cut up the old fin flash into fine white lines then stuck them around the f/flash, not bad eh !.

As you can see the secrets out ! this bird is not as the box art but as XM177 G

Most of the walkway decals are on, i'll tell you something ! Trumpeter decals are very good quality and contour to all angles with no silvering at all, Red looks a different colour to the other parts this is due to the light conditions.

thanks for looking.
Thanks Guys

Been on a mission today and i've got the wings on all the undercarriage is on, both missiles fitted just need a bit more work on the canopy a few more wing decals and it will be done so i reckon this time tomorrow it willl be done.

This is how it looked one and a half hours the AA battery to judge the size.

thanks for looking

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