Trumpeter HU-16A Albatross 1/48

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 26, 2011
Moraine Ohio U.S.A.
Ahoy fellas
I have a new build here I just got started on this is the new Trumpeter HU-16A Albatross in 1/;48 scale a beast of a model it is...... This build will keep me busy until the next Group build gets started.. Okay back to the kit.I ventured to my hobbyshop to check out any new plastic a lot has been seen that I have never seen before they just keep whipping out these kits now days. I ran into this trumpeter kit just newly released when I seen the price of this kit I bowed my head in whoa $135.00 it was marked down to $99.99 a little relief but not much. IO went and bought it only hoping mama don't blow a fuse when I come home with it. Mama didn,t get steamed so all cleared for building. When opening the kit ?I was welcomed by 15 sprues rubber tires and photo etched parts which is the norm on these trumpeter kits.. The fuselage comes in four sections two left and two right, the detail is amazing you can almost shrink down and climb aboard. the fit of parts are excellent the kit also comes with metal landing gear there also is plastic ones on the sprues. I elected the metal for added strength its a heavy model. kit comes with two sets of decal 1. US,AIRFORCE. 2. Chinese Navy I am doing the Korean war bird all aluminum My only beef is that on the devcal sheet they do give you the yellow Y walkway on the top of the wing these is a decal company making this decal as I type this new thread. So if any great fellas buy one of these you might want to wait until the decal comes out.. If not and want the challenge go ahead and masked down the walkway and paint same also you will have to do the tail band the same way. Here are some of the interior parts that I just completed . The interior was painted zinc chromate green some Albatross had there interior painted dark gull gray, its optional the instruction sheet failed to show the paint schedule for seats radio and electronic boxes. They only show the flight deck being painted zinc chromate green.. I went and painted mine Zinc chromate green when the green dried I gave it a wash of black and a wash of light gray. The only photo etched parts that are added to the interior is the pilots seat belts there also is a decal that fit in place of the dial consol. much more to go. Here is the build .



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thank you fellas for your reply on my albatross I been at this most of the day now is Grogg time.. Okay all of the interior is completed thye last thing I done was lay down the non skid on the flight deck using 220 grit wet and dry sand paper giving the effect of real non skid........ before the fuselage sections are joined I primed the intire fuselage with light gray primer when dry I went and airbrushed flat aluminum around the windows of the exterior of the fuselage... doing this you wont have to mask your windows when its time to apply the finished coat of aluminum all you have to do is cut out small rectangles of masking tape and place on top of the windows and airbrush the fuselage pull off the tape and no fuss. on the following photos you will see the aluminum airbrushed around the windows you will see the point of doing this . before the fuselage is glued together using 5 minute epoxy using a toothpick I spread on the ep[poxy where the windows fit in the fuselage. letting dry before gluing the fuselage down.. When dried I joined the fuselage using liquid ambroid pro weld cement this stuff is strong. for now setting the fuselage unit aside to dry over night, For a treat I threw in my 1/72 scale 1957 Monogram SA-16B Albatross as a supplement to the build. I built the old kit in 1960. its getting old like me here is the update for the night good fellows.



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Thanks everyone for your wonderful replies on my Albatross flyingboat. Been at this all day time to knock off and grab some Grog , As to the update build report fo0r the day I have constructed the center wing panel along with the engine nacelles. next I added the wing to the fuselage and the tail feathers are in place as well by doing this I can finish up the entire fuselage with the paint work and decals.. As you can see the entire unit can be filled sanded and painted in its entirety. Lastly I added the canopy unit first I added the maskings for the windows then using 5 minute epoxy I glued the unit to the fuselage.. I added the filler putty and now letting it dry over night, Then tomorrow I can wet sand the fuselage prime and re fill the seams if necessary no bad fit issues were noticed during the build went together the way the kit was designed.. Only filler needed is what you see in the photos. I hope some decal company has released the walkway decal that fits on top of the wing along with the tail band. it would make life a little easier. Okay Gents here is the update for the night I will have another tomorrow.



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Great stuff Boats. I've always fancied doing one of these in 1/48th scale, ever since building the old Monogram 1/72nd kit back in the early 1960's - but at the price of this kit, it ain't going to happen !
Ahoy Fellas
thank you very ,much for your replies on my albatross kit. I agree with Terry whole heartedly this is a expensive kit to say the least, My wonderful Daughter bought this for me for a early 73rd Birthday present. she shouldn,t have done it I replied to her you have better things to do with your money by taking care of my grand children then buying a Old Fart in the wind like me a expensive gift.It brought tears to my eyes we both ventured to the hobby shop I needed some building supplies she snuck behind me and saw me gendering at it again she went ahead and bought it with her credit card while I was not looking. These Trumpeter kits are designed for the rich man. and I believe they are over priced One thing for certain China is ruling the world everything is made in china A model of this caliber is a one time in a million for me. last Trumpeter kit I bought out of my Navel pension was the Fokker wolf Condor Bomber in 1/48 scale it nearly broke me $129.00 no more of this non sense Any way just rambling felolas a Hardy Thank you fellas. I will post another build report this evening stay tuned.

There's another 1/48th scale kit of the Albatross on the market, although I can't remember the manufacturer's name off hand (they make a number of 1/48th scale large aircraft, including a Tupolev 'Bear', in resin, injection plastic and PE). But the price is over twice that of the Trumpeter kit!!
Think I'll pray for Revell to release a 1/48th scale version which, knowing them, would be a realistic £25 (approximately $38 US) or thereabouts!
There are far too may companies charging very unrealistic prices for their kits, especially those which are re-issues of older kits, at double or treble the original price.
Ahoy Fellows
Okay here is a update build report of the Albatross, when the filler has dried using wet and dry sand paper using plenty of water. the fuselage unit was sanded down all seams are imperfection free. I mixed up some Primer Gray paint and airbrushed same over the model, letting it dry over night, Next on the agenda I will construct the undercarriage assemblies engine cowlings and their engines once the in tire fuselage along with other parts it will be ready for the finished paint schedule using Polly S flat aluminum color. lots to do to say the least. here is the update build report I will have another maybe this evening or as late as tomorrow sometime.



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