Various Models

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Senior Airman
Feb 5, 2009
These are models of types flown by my Pop. The collection wasn't completed before he passed on. They were chosen because he attended reunions and these would be the conversation pieces all would gather around. They were great for tall tales and stirring memories.

Please see Muller's resizing of them below. Thanks, man.
Okay, those were a little smaller than I would liked them to have been. I am a computer illiterate. How do I resize them so we all don't need hangars to put them in? Thanks.
I resized your pics, hope you don't mind! I'll PM you instructions if you like.








Cool builds btw. Nice bare metal finishes! 8)
for the comment and bringing them down to a viewable size. They are the P-47N, RF-80, RF-101 and RF84F. Yes, PMing me would be cool. The bare metal finishes - not all done the same - are sprayed on buff aluminum. With a little soft cloth rubbing and judicious use of a #2 lead pencil (RF-84F is a bit over-kill) a lot can be done to bring them alive. The RF-80 has a 45th TRS (Polka Dots) badge on the left side of their squadron emblem. It was a Sylvester Cat image with a camera around his neck, a coonskin cap, a map of North Korea in his right paw and a Kentucky long rifle in his left signifying armed reconnaissance. That was a bugger to paint.

The Shooting Star and Voodoo are 1/72, the Thunderbolt and Thunderflash are 1/48th.
Very nice models Sweb.The bare metal looks very good, especially for the 1/72nd scale birds.
If you want a quick way to re-size your pics, then download 'Irfanview'. It's free, and quick and easy to use. It must be, as I'm a dumbo with computers!
Nice models...

Calling Master Wojtek, please answer the courtesy telephone, your assistance is required.....:D

:oops: Unfortunately I haven't been on line to help with this.But I see you managed with it somehow.I'm hopping it doesn't mean you don't need me here anymore.:(

I don't want to be "homeless" !!! :shock:
Very nice models Sweb.The bare metal looks very good, especially for the 1/72nd scale birds.
If you want a quick way to re-size your pics, then download 'Irfanview'. It's free, and quick and easy to use. It must be, as I'm a dumbo with computers!

Great. Just great. My technology skills have just been challenged. I will endeavor to endeavor.

Thanks for the compliments and link. My first dumber-than-you question is, is it compatible with this new iMac I have? I'm finding the switch from windoze to be somewhat of a disappointment in a lot of ways.

Thanks again.
Ah! Whether 'Irfanview' will be compatible with the Mac system, I don't know. Maybe Wojtek can answer that question?

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