Vets day

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the old Sage
May 20, 2004
Platonic Sphere
Well guys have you thanked a veteran today ? you have several on this very forum.

already written 14 8th and 9th AF fighter pilots with a special word of thanks for keeping this world a better place to live in ........ =D>
Erich said:
go back to school 102

Erich it is the weekend. You know that Elementary School is out for the weekend. 4th graders like 102first_hussars need to have there weekends so they are fresh to learn there ABC's next week so that they can actually join the military when they grow up.
Dont tell me shut up. If the shoe fits, wear it!

Second of all I was not offended by your comment. If you are going to crack jokes then expect them to be cracked right back at you!

You tell me to shut up, I tell you to grow up!
And u tell him to grow up, whilst I shall tell him that the next time he wants to insult a veteran here on this site, that I will personally stuff his insult up his ass....

For ur information asshole, I mean hussar, erich is also a highly decorated veteran like myself, and dont think for a second that ur little wise-ass comment went unnoticed, u fucking liar.... I suggest u shut ur mouth up before u personally get me pissed off....

Just do urself a favor and keep ur insults for ur highschool classmates poser...
As I said Hussars there are several veterans that are on this forums, some of them in the moderator position.

If you would be kind enough to go back to some of the older threads even in aviation you would get a better grasp of whom some of us are and what are relationship to aviation really is.............

I personally have veteran freinds from both sides of the war, and relatives that served in the US armed forces and at leat 6 that served in the German Wehrmacht, 2 of them in the Luftwaffe, day and night fighters, both KIA.
Am not alone here, as others have the same.

as for my siggy it is a late war JUG 88G-6, NIGHT FIGHTER.

________________think before you respond_________________

my intent was that this was a day of remembering and that it should be pointed out fewer and fewer of the WW 2 vets are still with us, and that we should honour their acheivements and those that are fallen
I went today and laid a small wreath with my wife at a memorial near the post where I work that is dedicated to the US 1st Armoured Division that took Ansbach during WW2 and to the German Soldiers that fought to defend it.
Still on the subject of WWII for just a minute, I'd also like to point out that many of the opposing combatants of that war who were fortunate enough to survive have become friends in the years since. My own grandfather has former Luftwaffe buddies. I don't know if you were trying to make some kind of joke or not Huss, but Erich is right. You'd be better off to think before you post sometimes.
My German Grandfather who was a Major in the Wehrmacht became very close friends after the war with my American Grandfather who landed on Normany Beach. They had no annomosities toward each other.
Well re-directed Skim back (and away from the toddler) to what this thread is about, the poor sods who have had a rough time and many are still suffering. I talked to a bloke selling Poppy's on Saturday last, who was an ex-Gurkha and when we spoke you could see talking of Casino was still a subject that left a nasty taste. A lot of ex service personnel have become adept at hiding their memories and pain. I'm fucking grateful it wasn't me that's usually because of the vets did the fighting before my time or instead of me ( but as we all know It still is happening in this shitty world)
I know its wrong but sometimes I wish a few of the miss informed who make sweeping "all I would do in a fire fight is" statements based on there perception of war gathered from a bleeding gungho Erroll Flynn flick or even history books , could have a tiny taster of what some of these guys actually went through. get some sod dropping howitzer shells on your nut for five or six days then say what you would or wouldn't do cause I know what I would be doing and that would be after the first couple of hours.(new pants please). Many of these old lags have become friends from what ever side they came from because they all went through experiences that only their fellow combatants can know. as such they share a common bond.

our rememberance day isn't till tomorrow (rememberance Sunday) but rest assured i'll be remembering the men on all sides that fought (i have relatives that thought on both sides), i just wish there was more i could do in their memory, i don't know what though........
All those lads, and ladies, that gave their youth, innocence, body and in the most awful circumstances their life should be thanked by everyone today - unfortunately not everyone this day appreciates them. I haven't thank any veteran to their face - but I do wear my poppy ...and I will remember all those that did fight, from both sides, because they might have been my nation's enemy then but they're human too, and they were kids back then.

I'll always remember the D-Day celebrations last year when a German soldier met a British soldier who were both on the same beach...they met, without a word, shook hands and broke down in tears.

:salute: What can I do or say that's good enough for them? Nothing.
plan_D said:
All those lads, and ladies, that gave their youth, innocence, body and in the most awful circumstances their life should be thanked by everyone today - unfortunately not everyone this day appreciates them. I haven't thank any veteran to their face - but I do wear my poppy ...and I will remember all those that did fight, from both sides, because they might have been my nation's enemy then but they're human too, and they were kids back then.

I'll always remember the D-Day celebrations last year when a German soldier met a British soldier who were both on the same beach...they met, without a word, shook hands and broke down in tears.

:salute: What can I do or say that's good enough for them? Nothing.
Well said pD and Lee.

Alright everyone. Here's what i did for Vets Day.

I honored my fallen Great-Uncle who was with the 28th infantry who was killed my German machine gun fire at the Rhine River, March 2nd 1945, with a letter of remeberence. Everyone one liked it so much that i got to read it over the Radio to hundreds of listeners.

My Great-uncle fought from the Hurtgen Forest to Battle of the Bulge to advancing into Germany before he got hit and bled to death. I would like to wish the rest of you veteran's who serve or served our country or for the protection of democracy. I salute you guys!
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