Viking's Pictures

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Lieutenant General
Apr 10, 2009
South Carolina
I recently bought a Pentax K-5 camera with several lenses and all kinds of other fun attachments and "do-hickies"
which not possessing a degree in Physics has been a real learning curve for me. So here goes, you cannot offend
me so any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.

I had the camera shipped to me office in NC and after about 15 minutes stated to use it. This is a picture of
"L" from the office. She is absolutely stunning, extremely intelligent, witty and unbeknownst to me does not
like her picture taken. On the bright side she did give me my camera back at the end of the day.

This is my son's cat whose name is French for "Spawn of Satan". I think I truly captured her disdain
of me and her general surroundings.

Today I visited a nice little War Museum in Greenville SC. They had a few WW2 aviation displays.

Air to Ground Rocket

500lb GP Bomb

90mm AAA

I got back and tried my hand at a few nature shots which lasted about 25 minutes before the daily thunderstorm hit.

The Picture Plant, carnivorous little guy.

Water Water and more water.

I have also amassed a lovely collection of photo's that I plan on exhibiting titled: "When the Lens Cap is Left On."
Keep your eyes open for local tour dates!
Nothing wrong with your first time photos David. My wife is like your secretary, I think I have five photos of her in 40 yrs. of togetherness. The cat? Quietly plotting your demise. Looking forward to lots of photos.

Great pics David. I remember seeing in another thread that you were on the look out for a 'gadget bag' for all your camera gear. I got a great one from 'Amazon', for £21 including shipping (approximately $32 US).
It's a 'back pack' type, in plain black, with padded back cushion and shoulder straps, plus a carry handle, and holds two cameras, three lenses and all my pistol grips, filters and other accessories in the main (adjustable) compartments, and also has two large and two small outer pockets, plus a tripod harness on the side.
If you're interested, send me a PM with an e-mail address, and I'll send you the details and some photos.
Way to go, David!

You've done dang good for your first series of shots!

The waterfall and creek shots look nice, particularly the waterfall. Soft shadows like that can be a difficult environment to shoot, but you can make the colors "pop" with a slower shutter speed. Helps to have a tripod if you do run a longer exposure, but I've learned that pressing the camera against a tree or resting on a boulder comes in handy if I don't have mine with me.

By the way, if I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open if that cat were anywhere's obviously harboring unkind thoughts
That sneaky a$$ looking cat looks like the twin brother to my friends cat. That cat ain't right in the head.

"L" is actually Lindsey Lohan isn't it? You're praticing your Poporazzi sneak picture attacks aren't you
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I agree with Gruageist and get a good sturdy one. I've got a Slik. Manfrotto and Velbon are good tripods as well. Mine is a pistol grip with level bubble and quick detach button. The padded anti-slip feet can be screwed in to reveal metal points to dig in. The bottom of the center post has a threaded hole for an optional camera attachment point for macro photos.

Thanks fellas, and for the tip Dave!

Geo: Very nice, I assume the "trigger" takes the picture? I bought a 72" tripod and a separate remote release which I have misplaced twice so far but I really like yours more.
Thanks fellas, and for the tip Dave!

Geo: Very nice, I assume the "trigger" takes the picture?...
That cool yellow trigger actually releases the drag on the ball so you can adjust the camera...alot of folks like that style of tripod, I'm kinda stuck in the old-school mindset with the adjustment knobs for tilt/pan
Fine shots David. Last one looks a tad out of focus to me, perhaps a small shake, but otherwise very good. I shouldn't criticize though as I have a long way to go myself.
Yesterday and today I spent some time at the NMUSAF and snapped a few (1,000+ pics and thank God for digital cameras!)

Over at Wright-Patterson AFB, they are destroying an old C-135 that had a "Fricken Laser" on it's head.

Whenever I see this aircraft I think of Jimmy Durante, the EC-135.

The plane I walked under several several times looking for before finding it, B-36.

A Romanian Ju-88 and my first thought was "It does not have curtains like Ghutt or Waynes"

One of the planes hanging from the ceiling casted a really cool shadow. RYAN YPT-16 IIRC

My main reason to visit the museum, a Martin B-10 (actually a Martin 139WAN fixed up like a Martin B-10)

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