vultee vengeance MK I 1/72 special hobby

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this is already good to place the decals and refine the finish, this is the look I gave him to use as possible of weathering

the transparent vacuoforme really is far better than traditional clear plastic injected

Great Job, looks to be coming along nicely, do you intend to mount the tail gun?
I attempted this model a few years ago as a gift for my grandfather as he was 12sq RAAF during the war. I didn't paint the tail white though as 12sq didn't have that "feature". According to my sources the Vengeance' had twin rear machine guns in the 12sq, not sure about other squadrons. I noticed in the special model it only came with a single rear gun so I fashioned a second gun out of a matchstick using the original gun as a template. It turned out alright however the model itself, after spending a year or so on top of his TV, was sent crashing to the ground by clumsy removalists when he was moving house. I intend on having another go at this model in the future.
Keep the photos coming, looking great!!!
Do not mount the gun inside because I want to make on the wing, as if they were to change.
Through the time that elapsed and the age of which was Mr. Ambassador of Australia in Spain, I met a man who died and the poor, which in WW2 was a pilot of this device, I had pictures everywhere of the war with very many friends and good drivers, "to take off and landing or had to be very good for not having an accident", then did the same thing always introduced his pipe in his mouth rather large aspired savoring a puff as he entered the snuff and while let go of all that blow smoke bocanda told me "so I was always watching the smoke crashing before my eyes." Was for years a good friend and fishing buddy of my father for what he told me thousands of stories of that time and always ended in landings ended crashing or no chance of reaching their base.
Nice recovery with the paint destroza, it looks like it's going to be a cool looking model when done.
woltej thanls.

Another one just, already painted in matte in the absence of 4 details, do not rule out the return has to.
I have it drying the landing gear because as plastic resin and the cyano I have is not for that and not stick very well so with liquid plastic (I do a glue with acetone and industrial portions of blister that put), makes a union strong enough melting the plastic in contact with this and once dry is a unique piece, but it takes between a day and a day and a half

Just an interesting side note: Chris Shores in the 3rd volume of the Bloody Shambles trilogy (which curiously is not called Bloody Shambles Vol. 3) states that no RAF Vengeances' where lost due to Japanese fighters in the SEA theater.

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