Wayne's Award Winning Models

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Or postshading....?????

But as memory serves Wayne like using a pencil.
Smoke and mirrors, you Guys!:D

moving on to 9 - 12 o'clock...


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  • 9_12_Fw190A5_9015.JPG
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damn fine work, Wayne!

though you may wanna put a bit of silver on the props to show a bit of wear?

XD this advice coming from a crappy modeler |D
their props were made of wood? o_O I thought practically everything (except the Mosquito) of an aircraft was made of metal? o_O
In this case the prop would be metal, but this aircraft was very new being delivered from the Fiessler works at Kassel probably in mid-late June 1943. It was written off on the 29th July 1943 when it was rammed by another Fw190..so the pilot did not have it very long.
Forgot to ask, thats just a piece of blue card behind the model yeah?

Your photos always do the models such a great justice :)

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